1. "Insult received and accepted"

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Mochi: Guuuuuuuys :((

Musclepig: What's wrong hyung?

Monie: Who do i need to destroy

Mochi: Taehyung is being rude to me


Eomma: What'd he do chimchim?

Mochi: He told me that i looked like shit in the twitter photo i posted :(

Gucci: Yah- its not mean if its the truth


Grandpa: Can you all discuss this another time? Ya boy is trying to sleep.

Monie: When are you not old man

Mochi: I will have you know taehyung that my "ugliness" is temporary and can be fixed with proper lighting and an angle changes

Mochi: Too bad your stupidity is forever


Grandpa: Once again, can you guys like not right now?!

Eomma: Stop being so grumpy old man. Mute the chat.

Grandpa: can someone just remove me?

* givemesprite removed grandpa from the conversation*

Givemesprite: okay- you two can continue-

Gucci: don't try and roast me.

Mochi: as you say "its not roasting if its the truth"

Gucci: oh hush it. You're just mad that you can't reach the shelf where we hide all the good jokes to use.

Musclepig: ooooooo that was a good one hyung lmao

Monie: I've never seen Jin laugh so hard in my life... Well besides when hes laughing at his own jokes

Eomma: Hush it Namjoon lol

Mochi: Okay... Ouch..  Insult received and accepted

Mochi: Gotta blast

* Mochi has left the conversation*

Gucci: I have a mochi to consult now. Talk to ya later

*Gucci has left the conversation*

Eomma: Why did the can quit his job


Givemesprite: .......

* givemesprite left the conversation*

Monie: wow....

*Monie left the conversation*

Musclepig: not now jin..... Not now....


This chapter wasn't that great but i tried lmao. STICK AROUND THO. IT'LL GET BETTER I PROMISE

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