New World

286 17 15

Earth 3018.


Not much has changed since the 21st century. Same arrogant politicians, rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, protests every week for petty injustices. Not to mention the riot that's currently happening outside my house as we speak.


You would think by now we would understand what equality actually means. But nope we're still stuck in the mentality from 2018.

I guess your wondering who I am and why I sound so disgusted with my planet.

Well...My name is Normani Kordei Hamilton.

I lived on this horrid planet for 25 years now. I was raised as an orphan. Both of my parents died when I was two, and no family came up to claim me.

Sad right?

But it's okay. I grew up to be a strong black woman who is currently working her dream job.

I worked and trained my butt off until I was finally able to become one of the best American NASA astronauts. But lately things have  become a bit more stressful. We recently received a message from an unknown planet, and let's just say they were not friendly.

So, instead of trying to contact them back the logical way we sent out a special team of 3 on a mission to protect Earth and to find out more information on this planet.

And you probably already guessed it. I was chosen to participate on this mission.

"Engines are warm and ready for take off" said Sergeant Tori Kelly

"Great, start the countdown" I said.

"Ladies remember to communicate with us if you run into any issues." said Professor Simon Cowell from the space station control room.

"Roger that"

"Countdown 5..4..3..2..1. We have lift off!"

This isn't my first take off, but I love getting that adrenaline rush right before takeoff. But I think my teammate might be having second thoughts. 

"Are you okay Sergeant Kelly? You seem a little tense." asked  Ally our medical specialist

"No! I thought you said this would be fun! I can feel my stomach in my feet right now!" yelled Tori

"Oh toughen up butter cup! This is the best part!" I yelled

"Ladies please focus on the tasks at hand. We cannot afford any errors." sassed Simon through our headphones.

5 hours later...

"Wow... Earth really is beautiful from up here." said Tori

"You act like you've never been in space before." I laughed

"Because I haven't." Tori Shrugged

" You mean to tell me they sent a inexperience soldier to help save our planet?!" I yelled

"Yup. I was trained to fight with guns and stuff not to fly through the stars. But I will say the flight simulator was really fun tho. You think I could get it on xbox?" asked Tori

I started rubbing my head. There's no way they sent a incompetent soldier and an innocent health specialist to help save our civilization. I guess this is what happens when the government cuts funding for the NASA program...

"Guys...Guys! Am I seeing things or are we heading towards a blackhole?!" Ally screamed

"That's not possible we aren't even far enough into the galaxy to be anywhere near any blackholes. Simon are you seeing any blackhole energy on your radar?" I asked

"No. Everything should be clear. Did you check to make sure the oxygen levels are okay? I think you girls are hallucinating." Laughed Simon

"Not funny Simon." said Ally

"Normani, can't you like steer this ship to go super speed to get us away from this thing?!" screamed Tori

"No! That's not how a space ship works! The engine needs time to warm up" I yelled

Tori and I were going back in forth that we forgot that we were still heading towards a huge blackhole. Ally was in a corner with her eyes closed on her knees saying a prayer. Simon was fussing through our headphones about us being the worst astronauts he's ever worked with. Before we knew it the ship came to a complete stop.

"Wha- What just happened?" asked Tori

"I don't know. It looks like the ship lost power"

I looked out the window to see nothing but complete darkness. Suddenly the ship began to shake uncontrollably . Moments later we were thrusted into super speed.

"Guys I'm not ready to die! I still haven't married Beyoncé yet!" yelled Tori

"Shut up Tori!" I yelled

Ally was still in the corner praying.

"Ladies what's happening?" yelled Simon

This is not how I thought I would die. Stuck on a ship with a bonehead soldier and a innocent dwarf. Funny how life pans out.

Seconds later I began to feel dizzy then everything started to go black.

Authors Note

Hey guys! So this is my first story so I'm still really new to this. But if you guys have any feedback please let me know.

And also do you think I should continue this story?
I'll be updating the next chapter this week.
Also, should I make this story gip???
Hope you guys enjoy this story!

- Bri

If anybody knows how to make a story cover please let me know.

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