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The spring brings in the soft blooming of fragile and beautiful flowers,
as well as the warm and gentle breezes that are so perfect in every way.
The air is coated with the scent of pollen and sweet comfort,
and everything is filled with calmness.

Then spring slowly turns over to summer,
and the sun covers every part of nature in near scorching beams of light.
Liquid dissolves away, causing the beauty to distort into duller shades of color,
and everything is filled with the aura of placid normalcy.

Then summer shifts into autumn,
and the simple leaves of the oaks fall free from the branches they call home,
until they taint the dying grass on the earth with mixes of orange, red, and yellow.
The winds tend to stay peaceful, but may suddenly turn the opposite way,
and everything is filled with a pleasing coolness.

Then the autumn crashes into winter,
bringing harsh conditions and the death of nature,
and causing creatures to hide away until it is once again peaceful.
But, the weather also carries the essence of life, and a new start occurring.

And with that, the winter passes once again into spring, letting the joyous gift of life happen naturally.
And thus the cycle continues...

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