You, My Fire

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Your fiery passion.
Your energetic glow.
Your radiating aura.
The way your blood flows.

The emotion in your eyes,
so intense, yet pure.
The light that they reflect
like the strongest cure.

Your skin, pale and young,
defined in every small crease.
Your touch, loving and warm,
with a heat that will never cease.

Your soul glows with calmness
despite the flames inside.
Your words are soothingly sympathetic,
and your mind is open wide.

Your honesty is clear
in the style of which you speak.
You mind your manners when needed.
You're a person most would seek.

So here I sit beside you
on the sunniest of days.
The sun reminds me of all that you were
with its bright and wavering rays.

I close my eyes with a sigh.
I had a chance to save.
But instead I am here,
weeping near your grave.

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