Chapter 17

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Kai walked out of the bathroom and saw Kyungsoo at his desk on his laptop. Ignoring his favorite small male was going to be hard for him. He sat on his bed and took slight glances at him, a frown made its way on his face just remembering his words.

"I would appreciate it if you stopped burning holes in my back." Kyungsoo stated not looking at the tanned male.

Instead of replying with a smart remark, like he always did, he just sat back in his bed and started scrolling through his phone. This made Kyungsoo confused, he turned around to look at the other male who listened to what he told him to do. He sighed closing his laptop going to his bed.

He got under the covers and spoke a quiet goodnight to Kai before turning off his lamp. Although he didn't close his eyes just yet,

"Goodnight Jongin." He repeated after he didn't hear a reply the first time. Kai put his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from replying. Kyungsoo sat up and furrowed his eyebrows and turned on his lamp.

"Are you deaf now?" Kyungsoo asked annoyed. You must be thinking why it's such a big deal for someone to reply back a goodnight. Kyungsoo claims that it's a way to help him sleep at night knowing that somebody else wants him to have a goodnight and not just himself.

Not once did Kai glance at him, instead he turned off his lamp getting under his covers and going to sleep.

"Why is he acting strange all of a sudden?" Kyungsoo spoke to himself before putting himself to bed.


"Soo, get up!" Baekhyun yelled shaking Kyungsoo awake.

"Leave me alone, it's the weekend no one gets up this early." Kyungsoo groaned throwing the blankets over his head.

"It's 2:00pm and you're still tired." He rolled his eyes, "I will call Suho in here and make him pull you out of this bed." Baekhyun threatened

"Yah!" He smacked Baekhyun with a pillow, "Did Jongin let you into my room?"

"Jongin, that's new, though it was Kai."

"Shut it you pabo." Kyungsoo laughed finally getting out of the bed, "I'll be out in a few minutes."

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