I was never welcome here

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Pain spiked though the teenager as his eyes opened and squinted into the dim room. He let out a series of coughs because shakily picking his head up from his chest. A slow firm clap sounded from a darken corner.

"Well Peter, here we are. Just you and me." A male voice spoke. "You know how long, I've been trying to find you? How long, it took for this plan to come to light?" Peter tried to suppress the shivers that the man was giving him, but failed. Faint metal clinking filling his ears. The taste of blood on his tongue.

A wicked grin spread across his cheeks, "You like that, don't you?" Peter flinched as the man trailed his fingers over his opened wounds.
"Ah!" The teen yelped as the man dug his fingers into his injuries. Peter moaned in pain.

"I had some, setbacks of course." The man spoke again, moving away from the teenager, who was chained to the wall. A brief glance away from Peter, a few feet away from them laid a dead body.
It was the goblin thing.

"We didn't get along very well. Didn't have the same views." The man cleared his throat looking away. "Now! How do you feel about a little game? It won't take long, just relax."

"What?" Peter mumbled out, barely keeping his eyes open. The teen's head was swarming with unanswered questions, and a sharp pain kept sneaking up on him.
"Oh, you're just high right now. The pain won't faze you until later. Then I'll get my data."

The man pulled something out of his pocket and stabbed the teen in the neck. "Shh, sleep." He hummed.
Peter's eyes  fluttered close as his energy was drained.


"This is all my fault." Tony muttered, his hand covering his face. The man felt empty and tired.
Steve placed a hand on his husbands shoulder, "You didn't know. It's not you're fault. We'll get him back."

Tony brushed Steve's hand off of him and stood up rubbing his hands together. "That's just it! I didn't know? I should've! I should've done better! I should've opened my eyes faster! Should've known something was wrong sooner! Should've, should've.."

Steve quickly wrapped his arms around the brown haired man and pulled him tightly into his arms. Squeezing him tight as if he was afraid Tony would suddenly disappear as well.

Everything went quiet.
The others in the room fell silent as they allowed the two parents to grieve for their missing son. Pain and heartbreak on everyone's faces.

"Should've, could've, would've." Clint said getting up from his seat. Natasha shot him a dark look, but the archer ignored it and stared at the couple who was clinging onto each other like their life depended on it.

"Peter is gone! He's gone. And you're here, drowning in your sorrows?" Clint spoke not breaking eye contact with Tony. His voice was firm, but inside it felt like he'd been shot. A pang of  regret stabbed him in the stomach.
"Sit down you fool!" Natasha hissed.

"You know who has him right? You have a hint at least?What are you going to do about it? Hmm?" The archer hummed, raising an eyebrow at the couple.

Tony and Clint had a stare down that seemed to last years before the older man broke it and looked at his blond husband. "Suit up." He whispered, and got out of his hold and moved to his phone.

"You have a plan?" Steve asked, feeling hopeful.
"I have a very angry mercenary on hold." Tony replied.



Peter spat out blood that bleed through his cheek. Why wasn't his body healing? The teen let out a painful sneeze and tried to look at something straight.

Right now everything was too blurry to see.

"Who did you kill?" Peter asked quietly as the steel door opened and closed again.
"No one important. Not anymore." The man smiled. Peter still hated how even after all of this, he couldn't see the man clearly. Didn't know who it was, that was inflicting pain on him.

The teenager wasn't sure if that was good or bad. He was currently leaning onto good.

"You sure are talkative this hour. Want to know something? It's almost been a week. Since your visit. I don't think they're coming for you anytime soon." The man laughed.

"They'll be here, and when they come, you'll be sorry." Peter said, spitting blood at the man.
The air got tense as the man walked closer to the teen. His breath hitched in his chest.

"Osborn." Peter breathed out, eyes wide.

Osborn grinned and slammed Peter's head against the wall. "Great! 100%! You passed the test! You can go now. But wait! You can't walk, you have not control over your body right now. All that drugs have taken control of you."

The teen struggled for breath as Harry's fingers never left Peter's throat, clutching tightly.
"I just have some more tests to run. Then you can go, not sure if you'll be in one piece though. Let's hope for the best."

Peter let out a gargle in response, his senses on fire. Warning him of a danger he couldn't run away from.
"Wanna know the most fun part about this game?" Osborn's breath reached the teen's ear. "You have no one to blame for this, expect yourself."

Peter's blood churned cold as that low dark laugh erupted from the dark. And suddenly the teenager felt like he was five years old ago. Waiting, for his family to come to a place they wouldn't know how to find.

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