I Have Cancer...

32 4 0

England , Liverpool 5:12 pm ,
At Lena's Cafe

" Yasmine could you take care of table 3 please James is already cleaning up throw up in the bathroom" An 5'2 foot lady in her 50's said to Yasmine as she sighed grabbing her apron and tieing it around her neck as the rest of it hanged lose against her green and dark grey unifrom. Yasmine worked at a little cafe 2 miles from her home , Yasmine isn't your everyday teen , she isn't as lazy nor messy , she is very smart and pays attention in school .. enough to pass that is , She has her own YouTube channel and currently has 800 followers due to her dancing videos and her productive videos.

"Sure no problem Lena " Yasmine replied in a respectful manner with a small smile. She checked the two pockets on her apron making sure her cute mini notepad and pen was in there as she made her way from the back of the counter to table three.

Yasmine was a mixed girl , with big light brown eyes and long eyelashes even had a light brown mixed dark deep thick curly hair . Yasmine is skinny and fun size she calls her self , she is only 3 inches taller than her boss Lena. She also had one dimple on her left side of her cheek . At this time Yasmine was wearing clear braces.

Yasmine made it to table 3 which sat a group of prepy girls from her school , she didn't show her irritated emotions but kept it professional. " Hi welcome to Lena's Cafe what can i get you today?" She said with a fake smile but to them it came off as real. Yasmine naturally had a soft tone of a voice , but of course to her coustmers it sounded a little louder and welcoming.

The girls sitting at the table were, Megan the 'leader' of the ugly not so smart group. She had long blonde hair with front bangs and dark blue crystal eyes and big lips full of over do shiny lip gloss, she wore a white long sleeve crop top with a jean skirt and some heels . She gave Yasmine a digusted look while looking at her outfit as she chuckles turning her focus to , Amber.

Amber is the follower of the group she is never her own person , clearly she doesn't know her worth. Amber was a brunett with a short bob , She wore glasses that are mainly meant for reading but whatever. She has dimples on both side of her cheeks and straight teeth with a tongue pirceing . Amber caught onto Megan's giggle towards Yasmine's outfit , she joined in on the laugh.

While the last girl who used to be friends with Yasmine until she ditched her to be with some guy , and the ugly not-so-smart bitches. Sat there on her phone listening to music , it was so loud you culd hear it through her headphones. She wasn't paying no attention to Yasmine nor her 'friends'.

Yasmine rolled her eyes and let out a deep annoyed sigh , resting her hand against her hip leaning slightly to the left putting more pressure on her left leg than her right. She was tired of being nice. " Megan got something you wanna say?? i'm not with the damn sneak dissing just come out with it or leave". She said clearly not giving a shit about their order or feelings at this point.

Amber's smile slowly faded turning her focus back to Yasmine with a gulp as if Yasmine came at her with a death threat. Yasmine saw fear in her eyes and was already confused.

Megan smacked her lips sitting up straight " Oh you know i never hold my tongue Yasmine , i was just admiring your amazing outfit " she said with a smirk as a chuckle escaped Amber's lips and a slight smile formed onto Kylie's face as she still listened to her music . " And we would like 3 blueberry muffins to go." She continued . As she leaned back against her seat.

Yasmine felt eyes on her she turned her head over her shoulder as her boss was watching her every move. Yasmine sighed turning her focus and fake smile back to the girls . " Coming right away". She says storming back behind the counter she was offically irritated , she grabbed the muffins as she she put them in a little brown bag writing the table number price as she walked back to the girls setting the bag on the table . " 4.95$ , pay up and then get hell out..." she said a little low but enough for all three of them to hear her. They rolled their eyes leaving the tip and leaving the building.

Yasmine watched them go hoping to never see their pale asses back in here again.

An hour later.. Shift is over
James and Yasmine..

"Hey you wait up !" James laughed as he chased Yasmine down the street , Yasmine had the cutest laugh you could just fall in love with and continue to listen to , although you make her laugh too much she will snort.

Yasmime stopped running catching her breathe as she turned around watching him struggle to catch up she found it amusing she laughed harder . " you doing alright over there?" She says teasing . James made his way to her coughing a bit sense it was a bit chili outside . Yasmine had on her big cute black winter coat with her high top all white converse . As her nose was a little pink due to the cold. James was 6'4 very tall with a sharp jaw line and a piercing in his bottom lip . James was kind of cute , he wore glasses and had light blue baby eyes . A smile formed his face as he lifts her up swinging her around in the air , he was incredibly strong , although she wasn't very heavy either.

A phone call interupted their adorable moment . It was Yasmine's phone , James set her down as she took her phone from her coat pocket and looked at the caller it was her doctor , Dr. Evans. She raised her right eyebrow out of confusion . As she answered the call , "Hello?" There was a soft sigh from the other line. "Hello Yasmine.. i'm afriad i have some bad test result from last week we just got them in last night i just didn't know how to break this out to you .." Yasmine was now really worried and really wanted to know what Dr. Evans was talking about . " W-what is it??" She asked , you could hear she was concerned through her voice. " you may want to sit down for this one dear.."

Yasmine looked up at James . As she walked over to a bench sitting down slowly , " please tell me , you are worrying me.." James whsipered to her, " put it on speaker..." Yasmine nodded as she put Dr. Evans on speaker. "I am so sorry Yasmine.." her voice broke. James looked at her with a concerned look on his face. " the results... say you .. have cancer.."

Yasmine felt like her whole life was on paused , like the world stopped spinnning , as if she was frozen. Well she was ; but her sudden tears weren't tears ran fast down her cheeks. As Dr. Evans was crying over the phone . Yasmine slowly hung up setting her phone on her thigh her jaw dropped as she starred at nothing . She couldn't speak suddenly her throat became dry and rough . Everything was slow now. James's jaw dropped as he looked at her his eyes filled with tears. She turnedher focus to him . "i-i-i have cancer.." She closed her eyes shut crying hard as James pulled her into a tight but warm hug and cried with her.


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