A Day In The Hospital

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Yasmine's P.O.V.

Same Day.. At the hospital

Dr. Evans just got back from a meeting with another cancer paitent but she is only 6 years old . I came to the hospital with my mom and dad . I just couldn't come alone , hearing whatever she is going to tell me .. I admit i'm honestly very terrified. Dr. Evans finally walked out into the waiting room to greet me and my parents she was getting some papers on my cancer at the front desk. We all stood up . I looked at her silently. "Hello Mr. and Ms. Blue, and Yasmine come this way ". She said with a smile. I nodded at her as I let my mom and dad do the talking , we followed her down the quiet halls well not super quiet I mean it is an hospital all you really heard was the monitors beating in the hosptial rooms. Wait? Hospital rooms? Why are we around hospital rooms? "So which room is it ?" My mom asked as if she already knew what the hell was even going on. Dr. Evans pointed to a room with a hospital bed and blue walls and a small desk next to it. I pulled onto my dad's wrist pulling him away from my mom and Dr. Evans, with sudden tears in my eyes.

" Dad what's going on? Why are we really here ?" I demmanded him for an answer , the right one. My dad sighs and looks down at me , "Y-Your mother and I , spoke with Dr.Evans last night and decided that it'd be best if you stayed some nights here..." He hesitated to say. I gasped. " You guys what?!" My mother turned around and set her index finger against her lips. "Shh! Yasmine , look i'm sorry we didn't tell you about this we just think this will be best for you and I-" I cut her off instantly. " Tell me ? No mom you guys should have dicussed this with me ! At least ask me how I would feel about this , and right now I really don't like it!. " I started off saying, my dad tries to interupt me I wasn't having it. So i continued , " And how in the bloody hell would you taking me into the place that only makes me feel like i'm actually dying be best for me?!" I yell , not even aware of how much tears have already fallen dwon my face and my neck. Dr. Evans frowns at me as my dad tried to comfort me by rubbing my back. He turns me to him with tears in his eyes. Awh daddy I didn't mean to make you cry i'm just upset.

He pulled me into a tight hug. "I will come every morning before work okay ? Do you hear me sweetie?" I cried hard into his chest . I couldn't see my mother but I kind of heard her speaking to Dr. Evans about my nights in here , I literally have no choice now . I'm going to have to stay here . But at least my dad is going to make the effort into seeing me . I am going to have to tell James.. then again he might even already know as well. "I love you Yasmine. I really do , and if it helps I will bring in better food for you each morning okay?" He told me into my ear before kissing the top of my head and slowly letting go I look at him wiping my eyes. I take a deep breath and nod. " Okay dad.. I understand.." My mother turns to me and said, "We will bring you some things from home to make you more comfortable .." She says softly before giving me a hug but I did not hug back.

An Hour Later ,
I invited James

I was laying on my hospital bed with my white thick blanket my parents brought me , James finally knocked on my door . I smiled softly. "Come in!" I allowed. He opens the door slowly walking in , awh he brought flowers , and ooh Some strawberries oh I just love strawberries. It looked as if he had a bag full of things. "Hey..." He started as he closed the doors. He noticed I already had my tubes in and my teriible plain hospital gown. My hair was in a high messy bun. " Hi". I said back before he could finish. "How you feeling love?" He asked softly before sitting in a nice comfy brown chair on the right side of me. I sigh but with a smile. "I'm okay now ". I told him as I kept my focus on him. "Thanks so much for being here it means a lot." I said . He nodded and smiled , "Of course bee". I giggle sitting up as I turned my focus to the bag in his hands. " What's in there?" I asked , i'm hoping it's a book or something. "These are some of your books.." He started off . Yes! he Is literally the best guy ...friend...who kissed..me...ever? "And your favorite fruits. " He smiled at me. " Awh thanks so much , I am starving". He chuckles, "I bet , here are your strawberries". He passed me a container with really big strawberries! I really want to talk about what happened last night.

James P.O.V.

Wow.. just seeing her in this hosptial bed hurts me . I really wished it was me and not her. I know she is in pain even if it isn't physical pain. I see it in her eyes. I passed her the strawberries , I wonder if she is going to bring up last night or not. Oh fuck it . " So um .. last nigh-". She cut me off and said , " Did you mean it?" She blurted out. I blinked a few times at her. Oh my bloody ... did she really just ask the question I can't even answer myself?! . I laughed nervously. "W-What?" My throat became dry suddenly. "When you said you loved...me.. did you only say it because i'm dying ...or did you mean it?" I instantly heard her voice break , she looked deep in my eyes .. she was serious. So I told her the truth. I curled my eyebrows at her clearing my throat, as I took her small soft hands into mine. " Yasmine... of course I meant it. No I didn't say it because of what is going on. I've always loved you. And always will no matter what." Wow that ...happened. She sighs , sound of relief. God she is so cute. She smiles and chuckles. I smile back rubbing her hands gently. She.. didn't say it back , well that's fine she can take her time. I kept a smile as i stood up leaning over her to kiss her forehead. "Thirsty? I can go get us some drinks.." I offered. she kept her beautiful smile as well , "Yes please, ooh apple juice haha." She says, with the most adorable giggle. "Two apple juices coming up!" I said letting go of her hands slowly as I made my way out the door.

Yasmine's P.O.V.

OH MY GOSH!!!!! HE MEANT IT! HE REALLY MEANT IT!! Well , well done Yasmine ! Awh i'm so so happy right now . I've got so many butterflies in my tummy right now heheh. I watched him go and waited for him to shut the door as i giggled happily kicking my feet in excitment. "Awh..."I said softly to myself as I for some reason I held my strawberries close to my chest as if it was him . I closed my eyes and replayed the moment over and over in my head . As I opened my container of strawberries and ate one still giggling. Wow I cannot believe that just happened , I never would have thought James and I would ever kiss... or anything for that matter.. God is finally blessing me!

Some Hours Later , 7:15pm

James P.O.V.

It was already 7 pm well 7:15 pm Yasmine was sleeping like a baby. Earlier after i came back with the apple juice we talked about old times it was funny and fun. I smiled softly at her as she slept . I cleaned up her little mess as i threw what was left of her strawberries away and stood up from the really comfortable brown chair and kissed her forehead once more , " Sleep well Bee.." I smiled at her as she spoke softly in her sleep , "Thank you.." She dozed back off again as she was laying on her side snoring softly. I whisperd to her , " You're welcome.." I grabbed my phone and already had my car keys in my back pocket as I walked out of her room .

In My Car,

Man what a day. I turned on the radio , the radio station was 98.8 . I turned it down a little only cause I didn't want it up too high. I was already on my way back home to my apartment. I wish she could come with me. Oh but not like that , just to hang out with me perhaps cuddle.. no no you're getting way too ahead of yourself James you guys are still just friends. I sighed listening to some random song I didn't even know but of course it was a love song . What? it seemed like the right moment to have one playing anyways. I cannot believe I told her face to face that I really loved her. Well .. I had to sooner or later, I surly didn't want her to think I only loved her cause she was dying.. Is she even dying? I really hope not. I rolled down my window a bit , my ac in my car wasn't working for some bloody reason. My phone buzzed and the screen turned on I got a message from Lucas. "Hm.." I said.

Lucas: Hey.. Mate are ya busy? :/

I know , I know texting and driving is extremely unsafe.

Sort of ... i'm driving home.. :/. I responded. As I continued to drive home.

Lucas: Well i really need to tell you something .. and i can't wait any longer.

Whoa this seems serious. I swear if this is about fortnite I may just have to punch him again. I rolled my eyes at that thought.

What's going on? Just tell me alright. Please don't let it be about fortnite!

Lucas: I like Yasmine...

I almost lost control on the wheel. WHAT?!

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