Our First Kiss..

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The Next Day ...

Yasmine's P.O.V

Here I am just laying in my queen size bed a lone , my bed still perfectly made .. when I came home last night Dr. Evans had already told my parents the breaking news of my life  it's currently 3 pm , i'm supposed to be at work in 30 minutes . I sigh deeply staring at my baby blue ceiling with my heart lamp. I haven't really spoke since last night , I mean can you blame me ? I don't know how to respond to someone telling me i'm basically dying. The scary part is as of right now we don't know when i'll just drop dead.

My phone started buzzing in my back pocket I roll my eyes its probably my job. I grab my phone looking at the caller , nope its my best friend James, i'm usually always ready to talk to him anytime and about anything .. things are different now ... who am I kidding . I sit up as I answer the phone putting him on speaker . Of course I didnt speak first.

"Hey you.. " He said calmly .

"Hi.." I said softly wouldn't be surprised if he didn't hear me.

I slid my body off my bed slowly as I stretched my arms out in the air arching my back yawning , oh my gosh i'm so tired.

The call was silent for a moment . I heard him deeply sigh.

" I cannot imagine the pain you're going through right now bee .." He said , it sounded like he was outside I heard a lot of wind or maybe in a taxi. Good thing it's summer , I couldnt go to school during this literal hell i'm going through . But hey , I don't wanna cry all day or be paranoid of my death .. I wanna live my life to the fullest I wanna be happy before my last days . That's what I told James. Also he calls be Bee because in elementary I won almost all of my spelling bee's he was there for each one .

"That's the spirit love!" He says overly excited , I laugh. "Now does that mean your going to work still ?" he asked even though he knows i'd say yes.

"Yeah of course, i'll call you later " I said hanging up . I tossed my phone on my bed as I walked into my bathroom

20 minutes later... late for work..

I finally arrived at work , although i'm 20 minutes late . I walk into the dark red doors into Lena's Cafe I kindly wave and smile at some of the costumers that were settling in as I made my way behind the counter . I didn't see my boss anywhere that's great I didn't really feel like hearing her complaints about me being late. I scanned the room looking out for her or James. I sighed deeply taking my bags with my uniform and name tag into the employee girl's bathroom. I walked to the large long sink and to the mirror. I set  my bag on the counter unzipping it pulling my uniform out slipping off  my tang top and shorts quickly in case someone walked in. I sighed , oh great now my mind is over flowing with the thoughts of  me dying any moment now , I can't help it ... this is so scary for me I am not sure on what to say anymore or what to think, how to think, what to do I am so scared.

I held my uniform in my hands unaware of my warm tears falling down my soft cheeks , also not aware of Lena standing behind me .
" Yasmine?... what is the matter?" An soft , calm voice  oddly startled me as I clicked back into what I wish wasn't reality , I looked up into the miror seeing Lena just standing there confused but by the look of her face she actually seemed sad even though she didn't know cause of my tears.

I clear my throat and forced a smile amongst my face as I turned around facing her. " I'm fine , shouldn't you be out there I don't think James is coming today...." I told her , as me bringing up James was also trying to aviod the starting conversation of 'What's wrong?' She sighed deeply resting her hands on her hips looking at me , clearly she didn't fall for the fact i'm fine. I mean she did just see me finish crying, am I finished crying?

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