Desiree Gets A Makeover

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Chapter 14:

"I don't know guys." Desiree was very hesitant about doing this makeover. She looked down at her plate of chocolate chip pancakes—Des's favorite type of pancakes and hoped that it would help her find the confidence to go with this makeover.

"Come on, Desiree. You deserve this makeover and I believe it will make you confident." Colby said as he placed his hands on Desiree's shoulders and looked down at her.

"I don't think I deserve all of this. I mean, your girlfriend coming all the way to China from Buffalo. What have I done to deserve all of this? I am so fortunate to be having this opportunity with you guys. I don't want you to pity me because of what happened in Melbourne." Desiree didn't want the guys to feel bad for her. She wasn't used to other people feeling bad for her other than her family.

"Desiree," Joe spoke up and took away Des's empty plate and placed it on the sink. "You've been working hard these past few weeks and you've been an amazing intern. You can consider this a gift from Colby, who values having you around here. I mean, we all value you here but, Colby is doing this from his heart."

Des looked up at Colby, who had a smile on his face. "Please, for us," he walked over to Joe and rested his elbow at his bigger stable mate's shoulder casually. Joe was annoyed by this and scowled at Colby. Colby then, took his elbow off Joe's shoulder. "We really insist that you do this makeover." Colby assured her.

"Colby really wants you to have this makeover, Desiree," Des looked at Colby's girlfriend, Leighla with a smile on her face. "He's been telling me, how he wants you to have confidence within yourself. Sometimes, a girl needs to feel beautiful, when they feel like they aren't." Leighla stated.

"What if I look horrible?" Desiree looked at Joe and Colby worried. There was an evil thought in the back of her mind, which thought that this makeover could be a giant failure and she could even more horrible than she was before.

"You won't," Joe went down to Desiree's level and looked at her. "You can never look horrible to us. How about, you do this makeover for us and then, Leighla can show you the wardrobe that she picked for you?" he bargained with the intern.

It was then Desiree showed a smile. "Okay, I'll do this for you and Colby."

"Okay Desiree, I was thinking that we start with your hair—" Leighla then heard a giant shrill coming out of the intern's mouth.

Desiree looked at Leighla in the mirror in sudden fear. Her precious locks! Her long, straight, black hair that reached to her lower back and Leighla wants to cut it all off? Was she fucking crazy! Desiree could feel her heart pounding inside her chest. She's only used to getting trims and not getting a full haircut.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Desiree heard Jon's voice ask brashly. Desiree and Leighla looked at The Shield that stood by the door. Leighla put her scissors down at the desk and approached them.

"Desiree just screamed when she heard that I wanted to cut her hair." Leighla explained to the three gentlemen that were standing across from her.

Jon chuckled at Leighla's explanation. "You're scared about getting your haircut?" he went over and stood behind Desiree's chair. "Now, you know how I felt, when I had my precious locks cut by a sixteen year old!"

Desiree then remembers—Jon was so stubborn about getting a haircut. It took Jon two hours to finally agree to get the haircut. Desiree was so proud of that moment, she didn't cut too much of Jon's hair. Even though, Jon was shaking like a little bitch for a short period of time, while getting the haircut.

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