Desiree Gets A Note

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Chapter 15:

Desiree looked pretty. Jon was speechless. He didn't know how to respond to her makeover, without it seeming creepy. The words that he was used to saying were 'hot', 'sexy' and the occasional 'smoking'. His eyes focused on Desiree's appearance. She looked good to him. But best of all, she believed that she looked good and her confidence showed on her face.

"You look amazing!" Colby was the first one to respond to her makeover. This was their intern and she looked incredible. Her appearance took a full 360 turn and in a good way, of course.

Desiree smiled confidently. "Thanks, Colby," she went and hugged Colby. She was so thankful for everything that Colby did for her. Des released the hug and got a dry cloth from the counter and Colby stood still as she cleaned his wet face. "This day is full of surprises huh?" she said slyly and glanced at Jon for a moment.

"You look wonderful, Des," Joe went and gave her a side hug. "How do you feel?" he asked her curiously. But, he could tell from her face that she felt different. Hopefully, she felt more confident.

"I feel like my self-esteem went up a little bit," Desiree responded to Joe's question. "I think. I'll be ready for school in August."

Desiree paused- she had school in August and suddenly, a fear of going back to school finally rushed back into her system. Was she going to go back to her high-school in Grand Rapids or was there going to be something that Stephanie McMahon was going rearrange for her? There was that number one question that she didn't even know the answer to - did she had three yeses in The Shield? Or, is there that one no from one of them that she should be worried about? Was she allowed to ask them or was it supposed to be a confidential thing between Stephanie and The Shield?

Desiree was going to ask them that. "Um... have you guys already know what you're going to do with me in August?" she asked awkwardly, she may feel pretty, but her awkwardness will still be part of her personality.

The guys exchanged some stares at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "It's kind of a confidential thing. We can't tell you where we stand with having you intern us for the school year," Joe informed her. "Stephanie was pretty strict about that."

"You look lovely!" Jon beamed like the sun. He had finally found the word, in which he could describe Des's makeover. He had been pondering for the last few minutes over the correct word to say to her, without it seeming creepy and lovely, seemed like a fancy word to say in his view.

Des smiled at him. "Thanks. But a little too late on that Jon."

"Wow, your makeover looks amazing, Desiree!" Dr. Vasquez exclaimed to the intern over the laptop. Des and The Shield were finally in the states. And, was Desiree very happy! She could eat all the American food that she wanted.

Des smiled at the doctor. She had been getting many complements on her makeover—mostly, from the WWE talent. She tried to keep herself under the radar because she didn't want to gain any attention. "Thanks, I've been getting many complements these past few days."

"How have been getting these complements been doing for your self-esteem?" Dr. Vasquez asked the teenager.

Desiree looked at Jon, who was sitting next to her with his hand around her shoulders and looked back at the doctor. "I guess alright. I mean last week in China, it was a bad note for me. I don't know if Dr. Karros told you about it," she glanced at Jon. "It was this knucklehead that got me out of my funk." she tapped his arm, when she said 'knucklehead'.

"Do you think that you'll be able to go to school with that same self-esteem that you have around here?" Dr. Vasquez asked the intern.

Desiree paused and thought. She didn't know where she would be going to school this junior year. Was she going to be doing school on the road or going back to her high-school in Grand Rapids? It had her thinking again. If she got the three yeses, it would determine where she would go to school. It would have to be something that she would discuss with Stephanie or Hunter, who were responsible for setting up this internship for her.

"If things didn't go my way, I don't know what my self-esteem will be like. With The Shield, it's like I'm not afraid to be myself. I feel whole when I'm with them and I've met so much people that I get along with and I can't interact with people my own age." Desiree frowned. This internship meant the world to her. If she were to have gotten a no from Colby, Joe or even Jon, her world would go crashing down.

"Jon, would you like her to be here with you and the rest of you guys?" Dr. Vasquez asked him. This would be the first time that Jon had ever thought that. It had crossed his mind, but this would be the very first time where he would have to think about it. Did he want Desiree with The Shield and WWE? That question would be a mystery to everyone. He was unpredictable after all.

"I can't answer that—Stephanie and Hunter were really strict about that. In about a week or two, she will know what I think about her." Jon winked at Desiree.

Desiree hoped that it was a yes in Jon, but she always got these mixed signals from him. But, Jon wasn't her only concern. Colby and Joe would be her concerns as well.

"Well, I hope to see the both together after it's all determined. There's something unique about the both of you together, I just can't put my finger on it." Dr. Vasquez stated with a smile on her face.

Des and Jon looked at each other strangely with raised brows. What could she possibly talk about? What was so unique about the both of them together? That didn't matter to them.

"Well, I have another appointment to attend. Hopefully, things work out for the both of you and I'll do my best to see you next week. Bye Jon and good luck, Desiree!" Dr. Vasquez signed off.

Desiree leaned over to close her laptop closed and looked over at Jon. "Can't you believe that it could be our last time talking to my care team?" she asked him.

It was almost judgment day for Desiree. Jon couldn't believe that—just about a month ago, he couldn't stand this intern and vowed to never be so emotionally attached to her and look at him—he's so emotionally attached to this girl that he doesn't want to let her go back to Grand Rapids, Michigan. She belongs here—in the WWE, interning for The Shield.

"Yeah, it's so crazy how things work out like that. How our friendship has grown over these past several weeks." Jon was amazed over how things progressed over the weeks.

"I'm going to miss you all—you, Joe, Colby, AJ, Brad. You all have been amazing," Des was getting choked up just thinking of everything. She was hoping that Jon would give a response that would shed some light in weather he's a yes or no.

"I'm going to miss you too," Jon gave a heartwarming smile. He didn't want to make anything obvious to her. Instead, he gave her a giant hug. "You're such a light in my life."

Jon and Desiree were busy hugging that they were obvious to Joe and Colby walking into The Shield's locker room. Colby and Joe were confused over the whole thing, scratching their heads.

Joe let out a loud cough, hoping that it would gain the wrestler and intern's attention. Jon and Des released the hugged and looked at Joe and Colby; did they see their lovely hug? That was Jon's big question—did they see him being a kind person?

"What's up?" that was the only question that Jon could ask them.

"Um...Stephanie gave us a note," Joe turned to look at Desiree. "And, it's for Desiree," he extended the envelope to the intern, who accepted it.

Desiree ripped open the sealing of the envelope and unfolded the note. She read it silently, apparently, she was needed in Grand Rapids and…her father wanted to talk to her. Knowing her relationship with her father, this conversation wasn't going to end pretty. And, she knows what her father wanted to talk to her about.

Des looked up at The Shield. "Whose up for a trip to Grand Rapids?"

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