Desiree's Secret Gets Exposed

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Chapter 18:

Colby was speechless - how long has this secret been kept from him? Wait, did anyone else know about Desiree's eating disorder? Did Joe know or was it just Jon's little secret. Colby looked at the brochure shockingly. Was this even Desiree's brochure? She could be helping a sibling out - Desiree's an only child. Colby reminded himself and quickly shoved the brochure into Desiree's satchel and then, picked it up and placed it next to him on her seat. Colby didn't know what to think of any of this. For the past month and a half, Jon kept Desiree's eating disorder a secret. Why didn't Jon went to him or Joe and be a responsible adult? And then Colby realized it.

Jon wanted to protect her.

How did Jon even find out about Desiree's eating disorder? For the first couple of weeks, Jon couldn't stand being in the same room as her and fast forward to one and a half month later, he's done something that he had warned Colby not to be with her. To not be emotionally attached to Des. How the hell does that happen? Colby knew that there was something between them, but it wasn't what he originally thought of it being.

Colby settled himself back to his seat as the next song played in his iPod. He couldn't stop racking his head on what he had just learned about Desiree and how Jon played a major role in it. He always thought that The Shield was a close group, that they were open to one another about anything and everything. He guessed that he was wrong about that.

"Alright, we've arrived with the meals," Jon announced with a tray in his hand and put it on the rectangular table. " Oh yeah Phil, make sure that your burger is a veggie burger before you eat it." he warned him.

"Thanks for watching my bag." Desiree smiled at him after she placed the second tray on the table. She then moved her bag and placed it on her side. She never noticed that anything spilled onto the floor.

"No problem." he nodded his head.

The group focused on eating their meals and after they were all almost done with their meals, they began socializing with one another again.

"So, are you guys a close group ever since Desiree became your intern for the summer?" Amy asked The Shield, finishing up her meal.

"I think we're a little closer than before. Everything used to be a little serious, but when Desiree got assigned on this internship, we started to joke around more and yeah, we're a little closer than before." Joe smiled at the intern at the other end of the booth.

"Yeah, we've been more opened with one another. No secrets, we've been totally honest with each other, right Des and Jon?" Colby asked as Jon looked at Desiree, who choked a bit of her burger. She quickly took her water and began to scarf it down, until she stopped choking.

Oh shit, he's on to us? Desiree thought, while looking at Jon.

Don't worry Sweetheart, I got your back. Jon thought, looking back at Desiree. Jon looked back at Colby. "Colby's right. Desiree has really transformed us into a group - or at least I feel like we are transforming into a group. We've always been honest with each other and Des has just made it better." Jon always had a way with words, that was one thing that Desiree liked about him.

"That's awesome. Ames, we need to consider this internship thing." Phil turned to his girlfriend with a grin on his face.

"We'll talk about it later, Phil." Amy smiled back at him.

Colby and Joe were in The Shield's locker room, getting ready for the RAW in about an hour. Colby couldn't stop racking his head about what Jon had said to him at the burger joint two days ago. Jon lied to him. He made sure that Desiree's secret was kept safe and he pivot the question a different direction. Colby slide on his protective vest to complete his special ops ring attire. He turned to Joe, who was taping his wrists. He was wondering if he should tell Joe about what he learned about Desiree. Perhaps, Joe will give him some advice, he has a daughter of his own and maybe he would tell him what Desiree was thinking about keeping this sensitive issue a secret between her and Jon.

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