Chapter 1

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3rd Person's POV

Seven guys, walked through the door to the corridors, receiving stares from every students. You can hear girls fangirling and boys giving glares and nasty comments about them, probably just jealous.

Then three girls entered the halls catching the attention of many, especially boys, including some of the seven guys.

"Those girls seem to have whipped these three" Hoseok, who goes by the nickname Jhope, the sunshine of the group said, pointing at a mint green haired, Yoongi a.k.a Suga, Jin, the oldest amongst them, and their cute mochi, Jimin.

The three glared at Jhope before turning their gaze back at the girls, who were walking through the hall like queens.

The other four rolled their eyes, before dragging the three towards their classroom.

When they arrived they happened to cross paths with the three girls, which smiled and bowed to them, in a form of greeting.

The boys, bowed to them in return and let them in first like gentlemens, then followed after.

They sat at, their usual seats at the left side of the room near the door.

"I swear, I nearly forgot how to breath when they smiled at us earlier" Suga said.

"Hyung, I think you forgot your swag outside" RM, their leader said, that made the latter glare at him.

There was still a few minutes until their teacher will arrive, when an unfamiliar blonde girl with odd yellow eyes, entered the room catching everyone's attention, especially a specific person.

A/N: I know it's short but I promise the next chapter would be longer, this is just a for starters chapter. Please vote if you like this chapter and comment your thoughts. Bye! Bye!💖💖💖

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