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Regular - Present

Italic - Flashback

Bold - Alternate version


The first anniversary is vital to any couple, especially to the DeathStar pair. Nobody ever thought they would last past the first week. Perhaps, some of this happiness was the fact that they managed to prove everybody wrong, even Lord Death. Both technicians were at the ripe age of eighteen. Young love wasn't supposed to last, both of them knew that going in. The two vowed never to let this ruin their friendship, no matter how intense it may get. However, nobody expected for their bond to grow as strong as it did. How would anybody ever love somebody as arrogant and idiotic as BlackStar? How could somebody as up-tight and firm as Kid loosen his grip?

"That was so fun!" the Warrior God exclaimed as the two entered Gallow's Mansion after a night at the carnival. So much thought went into this night that any error would've been devastating. The reaper looked over at BlackStar with a small upward turn of his lips. This was precisely what he wanted. Tonight was meant to be fun and uplifting; it was a success. The aura changed as the door clicked shut behind Kid as he released a deep sigh.

Did the assassin look a bit... yellow? The grim reaper swore that he saw a tinge of yellow in BlackStar's face. The energetic figure was currently in a white hoodie with a black star in the middle (a given) and loose, black sweatpants. His body was covered in fabric. Of course, Kid could go without the clothes. However, BlackStar hasn't been in the mood for that, lately.

"Are you hungry?" the silence was broken by a fundamental question. Kid was already heading to the kitchen; there was no way BlackStar wouldn't even have a tinge of hunger. He knew that boy well; he was always starving for something.

"No, I'm good." That answer itself was a red flag.

"You're always hungry." Kid's voice now had a tinge of concern. Golden eyes were now piercing through whatever lies BlackStar could be giving off. The technician broke the gaze sheepishly, his blue eyes now finding interest in the floor below. "Are you feeling alright? You do look a bit sick."

BlackStar shook his head. "I'm fine, don't worry about somebody as big as me." The intimidating look soon softened as if he had given up. Though, Kid couldn't just give this up. There was a noticeable diet change that he had become quite worried about. This only confirmed his suspicions. It was time to jump in once again.

"Are you insecure about your body?" The question was full of misunderstanding. A "what the hell" look came from BlackStar. Before he could object, Kid continued. "You haven't been eating as much lately. Are you sure that there isn't something wrong? If there is a problem, you know that we can solve it."

The Shinigami decided to be nosey and take a peek within BlackStar's soul. After opening his eyes and releasing a breath that he didn't know he was holding, the blue orb became clear. Some would call this helicoptering, though, Kid just wanted to be sure that the Bushin didn't have something off. Doing this only helped his case further. If he wasn't hallucinating, BlackStar's soul looked a bit pale. It was like it was losing its color. Instead of arrogance, it showed... weakness? No, that wasn't the word. Vulnerability? Sadness? Those weren't it. Kid couldn't quite place his finger on whatever was going on. It was like the soul was trapped in something he couldn't see. Maybe if he looked at it closer, the reaper could see something. The assassin soon caught onto what he was doing and shooed him away.

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