13 Dark all over again

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Days passed and I began to wonder if Rachel sent for help or Dad was too stressed to be told right now. Had he locked himself in his office for days on end again? I sighed as I scribbled the answer to the math problem on the piece of paper. Kenny was sitting next to me. Kenny was always a laugh, he was the class clown but was also a guy you could talk to. "You okay? You look a little down?" He asked and I sighed. "My dad's meant to get in contact but I haven't heard anything" he nodded "eh it's same with my mom she's galabanting round the place like no one's buisness. She's got a new life coach again and they all start off the same, take a break and think about you for a while honey" he mocked in a fake voice I grinned up at him "it's only by the time they realise that's what she's been doing all along she moves onto another life coach. Ugh. Right you know what this one's called? Elfrado, it's like his mother was like, I love the word Elf but I also love Fredos and boom." He laughed, I rolled my eyes chuckling. After he finished he became more serious "honestly man, it gets better, it always does." But Kennys serious side never lasted "Hey look" he started getting up with his contagious grin I immediately grinned, Kenny always lands himself in detention for doing stupid stuff that cheers everyone else up. He made it to the middle of the classroom before the window smashed and he just dropped to the floor. My grin faltered "Kenny?" I asked I shot out of my seat "Kenny" I shouted at him shaking his shoulders. I looked beside him to see an unexploded smoke grenade. Blood was pouring out the back of his head. "Kenny no kenny" I shook him again as another missile was fired into the classrooms. There were gun shots but I ignored it, I tried holding Kennys head and checking for a heartbeat. Nothing. "Please, Kenny please" I whispered over his body. I snapped up to see the commotion, smoke was filling the classroom and people were screaming. Everyone was running. Men in gas masks, not in any kind of uniform were walking round. I pulled Kennys body and myself against the wall. More gunfire this time closer. I covered my ears and hunched down. I held back onto Kenny and decided I had to get us out of here. I stumbled up and dragged Kennys now slippery body which had warm blood covering everything, I slipped on the floor but kept pulling keeping close to the wall. "Come on Kenny, let this be another joke man" I begged him but I knew it wasn't true President Mcarals had found me and was punishing me. Who else could do something like this. More gunfire. I cried out as a stray bullet hit me in the shoulder. I was slammed back into the lockers. I groaned clutching my shoulder. Kenny was half leaning on me now and there was no way I could move him in the position I was in. I was losing blood fast. I leant against the lockers and just wanted it to end quickly. I felt energy leaving me, as I gave up i weakly smiled down at Kenny and stroked his bloody soaked lifeless hair. Even the breeze didn't dare interfere. "Kenny man wake up" I whispered holding his head to my chest. I heard footsteps down the corridor I was laying in "Stop fucking shooting you'll kill someone, come on we gotta find the kid. Shit you've made a real fucking mess of this hes gonna kill you" a voice growled another snapped back "Fuck off it wasn't my fault, the informant said he'd be here, shit, Falco's gonna kill us all not just me" the voices argued.

I rested my head back against the lockers praying they didn't see us through the fading smoke. Where was Reggie? Where were the other kids? I hope they're okay. I felt my eye lids grow heavier. No I can't, Kenny and my blood was mixing as it made a large pool on the floor.

"Ew what the fuck" one of the voices said across oceans. "See I told you, you had those bullets flying around and now you've gone an shot somebody." A voice growled "Shit guys there's too much blood for who ever it is to be alive" there was a silence where I assumed they looked at each other thinking the same thing, was it me they had shot. I squeezed my eyes shut as my heart shot into pain. I shoved my head back against the lockers and tried not to cry out.

"Let's go, come on stop playing" a voice said as I heard footsteps grow closer. "Wait we have to check" the feet said. Suddenly it was his face that broke through the smoke. The man knelt down and pulled off his gas mask. I raised my head to look at him, I saw terror over come him. "Guys he's dead, shit you've killed somebody" the guy said. A few feet came forward nervously. "Come on lets get out of here. Look check the dark haired ones face, I can't tell if it's brown or black" one said and one of them reached out their hand to touch Kenny, I raised a weak hand to stop them. "Leave Kenny," I gasped out. "Shit he's alive, fuck he won't be for much longer look at him." One guy said in disgust. "Yes you knuckle head look at him. Look at him. He's the kid" one of the guys said and another shook his head "He's not blonde dumbass" this guy pushed him "neither is he, it's dyed, my mom owns a hair salon I'm gonna know" he growled. They started pushing each other back and forth till larger boots came closer with each thud sent a shiver of dread down my spine.

I was gently picked up by the guy who must have been four times my size. I squirmed but stopped when it caused so much pain I felt dizzy. "Kenny" I said breathlessly. The biker guy from the bar stopped and looked over to the boys body "I'm sorry kiddo," he said before moving off again. I was barely staying conscious but I could see we made it to the front doors. There were knocked out police officers and more guys in gas masks with guns holding people still with the threat to shoot. Officer Clark was kneeling with a group, his hands on his head looking around worriedly. Where's Reggie?

That's when I saw him. Being shoved into the back of a tinted SUV, he was kicking out but they threw him in.

"MR CLARK" I shouted as one last ditch effort. He looked up and saw me, the biker guy was dragging me using me as a shield in case there were any snipers already set up. Officer Clark tried to get up but the guy with the gun kicked him square in the chest with his steel caped boot.

"Please," I begged but the biker couldn't look down at me. I was gently slid into an SUV and belted up. The car immediately sped off. "He's been shot, all this blood" one guy said panicked taking my jacket off. "Don't panic just find the source." The guy got on the phone "Yeah shit went down we need an ambulance possible blood transfusion I'm not a doctor but we need like three" he said. It went black for a second and I woke up on a hospital trolley getting wheeled into the house where I grew up.

My father was beside me but I could only see doctors and brightness. "Kenny" I tried to say but it wasn't my voice. Then it was dark all over again.

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