I Think You Make A Great Captain

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A/N: The video above is the video which led be down the void which inevitably distracted me from finishing this story. Forgive me. SHOUTOUT TO ALL THE ARMYs!

"They've completed their training!" 

The Fa siblings paused from their walk to return to their tent as they heard the furious voice of Captain Li Shang rage from within his tent, the silhouette of Shang and the Emperor's Counsel visible as their argument echoed within the counsellor's tent. "Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers than you are to be captain!" Chi Fu spat, emphasising the word 'boys'. "Once the general reads my report, your troops will never see battle!"

Jian frowned, knowing this was simply Chi Fu's bias against Shang talking, and Jian was ascertained by their training so far that Shang was a well disciplined and well trained captain. He was sure Mulan would agree.

"We're not finished!" came Shang's angered shout.

"Be careful, captain. The general may be your father, but I am the Emperor's counsel." The siblings could almost sense the smirk in his voice. "You know, by the way, I got that job on my own."

The siblings gasped lightly. "You're dismissed!"

Mulan and Jian watched as Shang marched out of Chi Fu's tent, enraged by the counsel's words.

In an attempt to lighten the captain's mood, Mulan opened up her big mouth and blabbered, "Hey, I'll hold him, and you punch!" Jian face palmed as Mulan ended the statement with a nervous laugh, on the bad end of Shang's 'it's not funny, shut up' glare.

"Or not," Mulan mumbled to herself at the end. 

The young girl bit her bottom lip, looking up in between her lashes and chose to speak up once more, this time, from her heart. "For what it's worth...I think you're a great captain!"

Shang paused for a moment, turning to look at Mulan from the corner of his eye, then moving on back to his tent as if it never happened. However, the gesture did not escape the watchful, overprotective older brother eye of Jian. 

Mulan narrowed his eyes and crawled forward, raising a brow at Mulan, who was still smiling with a faraway look in her gaze. "I saw that," the dragon blanched. 

Mulan jumped, looking down at the dragon by her feet, nervous. "Saw what?"

"You like him, don't you?" Mushu cooed a little mockingly. 

Jian's eyes widened as Mulan's face erupted with a light pink flush, stammering. "What? No, I--"

"Yeah, alright, yeah sure," the dragon interrupted, suddenly doing a 180 and put on the persona of a stern mother. "Go to your tent!"

Mulan rolled her eyes, and Jian sighed. "Mulan," he whispered, stopping her in her tracks. "Do you really like Captain Shang?"

"Well, no, I mean yes, I mean no, I mean," she took a deep breath to calm herself. "Maybe..."

Jian took a good look at his sister's expression the the pale moonlight, her lightly blushing cheeks, her anxious biting of her lower lips, her averted gaze avoiding eye contact with him.

Ah, he thought. My little orchid is growing up.

"I've nothing against it," he said softly petting her head. "Just be careful not to let yourself be revealed until this war is over. Then you can love him to your heart's content."

"Wh-What?! I-I never said anything about love!" Mulan squeaked. "I-I'm going to bed! Goodnight!" And she ran quickly, stumbling over a few stones in the dark to avoid the subject. 

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