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"Just... just don't say anything yet. Okay?" Oikawa looked up, eyes meeting two pairs of brown eyes that were so familiar to him. Eyes he'd grown up with, ones he'd looked at through tears, ones he'd looked at through eyes squinted from laughter. 

He had never looked at them before and felt such a huge pit in his stomach. 

He swallowed thickly, hands shaking as he reached for his backpack. He held on to it tightly, nervous as to the response he would get.

"Okay," he received, with a nod.

So he continued.

Oikawa reached into the bag, coming out with a small picture album. It was old - the edges of the cover were torn and the front was decorated sloppily from a child's hand. He placed it down on the table, allowing the front page of the album to come into view. In messy scrawl he had written across the front "Iwa-chan and Me!"

"Five..." Oikawa blinked quickly, forcing the lump in his throat to dissipate. "There are five pictures here that I want to show you. Five pictures... or for me, five memories that go with them. I think... after I show you the pictures, you'll understand what I'm trying to say."

There was no way that he could explain each one of the pictures. They brought back too many images to mind, too many things that were too painful to talk about. All he could do was show them, and hope that they were understood.

He was risking it all, coming here, but Oikawa knew that this was his only option.

He couldn't spend another minute waiting.

Slowly, gingerly, he flipped open the first page of his book. The very first memory he had of Iwaizumi Hajime.

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