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"Just one more," Oikawa said quietly, flipping further into the book. It wasn't the last page – far from it – but the picture he stopped on was one of the most important memories he had.

The picture was a selfie taken by Oikawa of him and Iwaizumi. They were sitting on the grass on New Year's Eve, preparing to watch the fireworks. In the photo it was dark, the only illumination being the moonlight and their camera's flash. Oikawa was giving a heartfelt smile to the camera, and even Iwaizumi was grinning.


Oikawa loved fireworks.

New Year's Eve was one of his favourite times of year. He loved the elegant outfits, the way that everyone got together and seemed to be in a good mood.

He loved the colours, the energy, the bright lights and brighter smiles.

He loved the food, sweet candy apples and savoury skewers.

He would flit about, spinning as he tried everything that the stalls had to offer. He would play games, trying to fish up goldfish, crying dramatically when he would lose, which happened every single time.

(Iwaizumi always knew that it was on purpose. He really didn't want a pet goldfish.)

Mostly what he loved was that it was an evening where he got Iwaizumi all to himself. Even though it was begrudgingly – sometimes Iwaizumi had to be dragged out, complaining of not wanting to stand outside where it was hot or be surrounded by crowds...

But he always went.

"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa grinned, walking over from a stall. He was holding in his hand two little croissants that were steaming, fresh out of the fryer. Iwaizumi stopped, watching as Oikawa spun in a circle before he passed him one of the sweets to try. His childhood nickname had never left, despite his best attempts to get him to call him 'Iwaizumi-kun'. Yet, for some reason, Iwaizumi didn't really mind.

He bit into the hot baked good and sighed happily. He had always had a sweet tooth. "It's really good, Oikawa." Even though Oikawa had never dropped the childhood nickname, Iwaizumi didn't call him by his first name anymore. He had told Oikawa that it was weird for two boys to be doing that in high school – Oikawa complained mercilessly for weeks, hating the way he said Oikawa instead of Tooru but Iwaizumi was very determined. He was a lot more stubborn than Oikawa who finally relented, accepting his fate.

Oikawa finished his own treat, licking his lips to get some of the stray chocolate from his face. "Yeah, I still think these are the best ones! Last year that stall had the best, too, but they didn't have chocolate."

"Hm, yeah. I think the chocolate is even better than the apple they had last year."

"I agree," Oikawa nodded, eyes scanning around to decide where they should visit next. His eyes locked on a group of people a little way down the road and he grabbed on to Iwaizumi's arm. "Come on, Iwa-chan!" He pulled him in towards some open air space where a few people were playing music. Some were dancing but Oikawa knew that was out of the option. He'd gotten Iwaizumi here – he really didn't want to press his luck. He knew the shorter boy absolutely hated dancing in public (he was convinced he was awful at it, but Oikawa knew better than that).

So instead Oikawa just twirled and dropped him off on the benches. "One song," he said with a grin.

"Every year you say once song and it's at least three."

"Well, if you danced with me, then I'd make sure it's only one."

Iwaizumi glared at his friend, moving his body to get up and leave.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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