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The next picture Oikawa turned to was a shot of him and Iwaizumi, sitting in his backyard. They weren't looking at the camera, sitting on a bench. It was a beautiful spring day – the cherry blossoms looked fantastic in this shot – but they weren't looking at the flowers. They were just looking at each other.

Their faces looked tired, as though they'd gone an entire night without sleeping. Oikawa's hair was messy – a rare sight, considering that he almost always kept it carefully groomed. Iwaizumi looked content, though, his hands clasped firmly in Oikawa's. A black blanket was slung over their laps, keeping them warm.


Iwaizumi would never forget the day he got that phone call from Oikawa.

He was sitting at home after a long day of schoolwork and practice. He'd left the gym only a half an hour prior, leaving Oikawa who had promised him he would go home after another fifteen minutes of practice. He had trusted what he'd said, heading home before him, which was something that he didn't usually do. Normally he would wait for Oikawa, but today he was tired. He had a hard test, a pounding headache and he didn't want to be in that gym even a second longer.

At seven forty-six, his cell phone rang. It was the familiar space-themed ringtone that Oikawa had picked out for when he called.

Iwaizumi looked at his phone, confused. Sure enough, the contact read "Shittykawa" and there was a picture of Oikawa sricking his tongue out to the camera that he'd put there himself. It rang two more times before Iwaizumi snapped out of it and hit the answer button.

"Oikawa?" He said into the phone, "did you make it home?"

"Iwa-chan..." the voice on the other end was small, and hoarse, and it sounded like he'd been crying. "Iwa-chan, I can't walk."

"Stay right there."

Iwaizumi jolted out of the house, not even telling his parents where he was going. He was so glad that he didn't live far from their school – on foot, he was able to run there in a matter of six and a half minutes. He panted, bursting through the doors of the gym.

The lights were still on, a few stray volleyballs on one side. His head whipped from side to side until his eyes finally landed on the figure curled up on the far end of the gym. "Oikawa!" He called, walking closer.

Oikawa turned his head, looking at Iwaizumi with watery eyes. His face expressed so many different emotions – shock, sadness, anxiousness. "Iwa-chan," he said in a panicked voice.

Iwaizumi rushed to his side, falling to his knees next to him. Oikawa reached for him instinctively, gripping tightly on to his shoulders. Iwaizumi could feel that he was trembling. Iwaizumi took a second to get a visual overview of his friend: he wasn't bleeding from what he could tell, no obvious bruising yet but he was keeping his leg very steady despite the fact that his back was hunched over. He asked, "Oikawa, what happened?"

"I..." Oikawa gripped his shoulders tighter, pressing his face against Iwaizumi's chest. He could feel how wet it was with tears. "I set the alarm on my phone... for 15 minutes, like I promised you..." His voice broke and he swallowed a sob. "But when it went off I decided to do just a few more... I'm so sorry Iwa-chan, I'm so sorry." He let out shaky breaths as Iwaizumi froze, unsure how to help him.

Slowly, gingerly, Iwaizumi put a hand around Oikawa, resting on his back. "Did you get hurt?"

"I-I think I did something bad to my knee... It hurts so bad, Iwa-chan... I can't stand on it."

Iwaizumi's expression paled; thankfully, Oikawa still was buried against his shirt so he missed it. His eyes flicked to his injured knee. "We... we need to get you to the hospital."

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