Chapter 4

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| Author's Note |

Added the video to the beautiful song featured in this chapter. I hope it speaks to you and you enjoy it as much as I do! :)

As time went by, Matt and Faith grew closer. They had a friendship without a doubt, but Matt couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more. Really, he didn't know if anything was even there, he just started to care about Faith and trust her, which would sound ridiculous a couple months earlier. They enjoyed each other's company and found themselves sharing things they wouldn't even tell their closest friends.

Matt sat next to Faith on her bed as she was doing work on her laptop. "I'm bored," he said, dropping back and resting his head on a pillow.

Faith hesitated before asking a question. "You have any plans this weekend?"

Matt quickly sat up. He thought she was going to ask him on a date and that grabbed his attention. Is that was she was going to ask? What was he going to say? Matt questioned if they were ready for that, but it slightly bothered him she didn't give him a chance to make the first move.

"No, why?" he answered, trying to seem focused.

"Well, I'm gonna be hanging out with some friends and you can hang if you want. We'll be snackin' and chillin', I think we'll be doing karaoke. It's gonna be fun,"

"Sure," he answered. He was surprised she wanted to be seen with him. They had two completely different social circles even though they were friends.

This was a good opportunity to spend time together instead of doing homework in the park or at Starbucks. Karaoke sounded kind of lame, but he would go ahead and try it, since Faith said he spends too much time at parties.

Friday night, they showed up at the house of Faith's friend, Jude, who seemed unusually nice in Matt's opinion. She showed them to the basement, where about 15 people sat on stools or bean bags. There were tables with bowls filled with Cheese-Its, popcorn, and drinks. There was a large tv on the far end of the wall and below it on the floor sat a stereo with microphones, which Matt assumed was for the karaoke. In the background, there was soft, slow music playing.

Matt spotted a guy wearing a t-shirt with a cross on it and a girl was wearing the same shirt in a different color. By picking up details like that, and noticing a tattoo of a Bible verse on someone's arm, Matt was able to determine they were all apart of some kind of prayer group. "Is this Bible study or something?" he whispered, leaning close to Faith.

"No, it's just a party," Faith said.

Matt looked at his surroundings once more, "Uh, I've been to a party before. This isn't one,"

"It's more fun than it looks," she assured him as she walked to one of the tables for a snack. She sensed that Matt was uncomfortable because he wouldn't move from his spot. "It's okay. They won't bite, I promise," she joked.

Matt slowly walked over to a bean bag and dropped himself onto the orange blob. He couldn't believe she dragged him to one of her lame Christian gatherings. He was more upset that he didn't sense it from the moment she mentioned it. What was he thinking? Without saying a word, he sat wallowing in his boredom. He listened closely to the music in the background. Christian music. Even though he could tell it was a playlist of different songs, it all sounded like one long song. He couldn't fathom how they listened to that stuff, let alone sing karaoke to it.

The young man wearing the cross t-shirt approached Matt to strike up conversation. Matt found himself talking to him about sports and movies and he was surprised they had so much in common. His name was Josiah and Matt got along with him really well.

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