Chapter 5

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A/n: sorry it's so late. I'm on my phone for this so I'm sorry if it's bad.

Canada pov

(Y/n) is worrying me again. Ever since that girl hurt her she's been... different.

It's like she's slowly going insane, but only sometimes. How long is she going to pretend she's not hurting? Or that everything is fine? 

How long until she stops fighting?

Reader POV


I shake his shoulder a little. He was talking and now he's lost in thought. He looks concerned.

Before I can say anything else to him, a shrill voice breaks my train of thought. I could even hear it over my headphones.

"(Y/N)! Come to the living room now! We need to talk."

Oh boy. When moms call it's doom for all.

I groan and start to get up. I take off my headphones and attempt at smiling at Canada as I walk out my door and disappear down the hall. He worries too much. I hate being such a burden on him.

When I get to the living room I'm met with my mom smiling at me. By smile I mean she looked like those clown dolls in horror movies. She motions for me to sit. I look up questioningly at her.  Is this because I called that one kid a series of "words not to be said at school" and slapped that other kid? Is it because I failed that English test? WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M IN TROUBLE WHEN NO ONE HAS SAID A WORD YET? 

"Whatever I did, I'm not sorry and it wasn't my fault."

My mom raised an eyebrow at this. How do people do that? Is that something they learn to do when they're about to have their first child?

"(Y/n) you're not in trouble. I got a call this morning-"


"Let me finish."

I slowly nod as I try to think of everything I've done in the past week that would get a call home. The phrase "you're not in trouble" tends to be a trap here.

"(Y/n), I have some news for you. This morning I received a call from True Cross Academy. They want you to transfer there as soon as possible."

"They what?" I feel myself choke on air. 

"I told them you would accept."

"Why would you do that?!"

"Don't raise your voice at me! I'm trying to help. Don't think that I don't know about the other students bullying you here. I'm not blind!"

We both stare at each other in silence. Then she pulls me into a hug. 

"Look (nickname), I'm trying to keep everything together. Since your dad isn't here anymore I've had to work hard and now a great school is offering to pay for you to be there if you transfer. I know you'll miss your friends, but you'll have a fresh start at True Cross."

I can feel myself tearing up at the thought of leaving my few close friends. Mom just slowly pets my head and continues.

"Just promise me you'll try."

I give a small nod, but don't let go. Mom hugs me tighter and neither of us move for a while.

A/n: I promise Amaimon will appear soon. I'm not sure when the next update will be, but I can say I will try to update in August.

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