A/n (sorry but it's important)

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I know these are annoying. It just feels like I've hit a wall. I know where I want this to go, just not how to get there. At this point, I'm asking you guys for suggestions and your thoughts. 

What do you think needs to be explained about the character's situation at school? At home? I'll probably do a chapter on the reader's backstory anyway. 

Amaimon will probably show up in the next chapter or the one after. I'm not sure yet. I know it's really annoying that he's not here yet, but please bear with me. I've been really busy and haven't felt motivated to write. 

I'm trying, but bad things have been happening. Someone who used to be my best friend is currently trying to blackmail me (he doesn't know I have watt pad or write stories). I've been fighting myself a lot. I just came out as trans to my dad recently and I think he forgot and I'm too nervous to talk about it. I don't want to get into all my problems or sound like I'm just giving excuses. I'm hitting one of those times where you're either on top of the world or practically dead or depressed. On a lighter note, I will be trying to update soon. Please leave suggestions for future chapters here!

Warning for next chapter though, it's going to be dark. The reader has to finish this school week before transferring just to make things less chaotic and stuff is going to get serious. There will be triggering themes in it such as self harm and bullying. 

To end on a light note: I'm going to do a q&a! Message me your questions. I will answer as many as I can.

Bye people! The next chapter will come out soon after Halloween!

Amaimon x reader Save His Angel (discontinued) (sorry)Where stories live. Discover now