Tiny Loki

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That's Spider-man! Bucky mutters something under his breath. "Hey Mr. Barnes, Clio. I was here for pizza and Mr. Stark said I could stay tonight if it was okay with the people making dinner and that's you guys. Can I stay? Please? I could help with dinner," he begs.

He talks fast. I look at Bucky who talks, "We don't know what's for dinner and we refuse to cook so we are avoiding Steve, care to join us?" He nods and we walk to the living room. "Where do we hide?" I demand. Bucky shrugs and we walk to the elevator. "Hey Jarvis, where's Steve?" I ask. Captain Patriotic is still in the hall where you left him. "Thanks Jarvis, can you take us to the roof?" The doors open in response.

We ride the elevator in silence until Bucky snickers, "Captain Patriotic!" We all start laughing. The doors open and we see a small trampoline. "How long has that been there?" Bucky mutters to himself. Mr. Stark got it as a birthday present. He doesn't use it so he stores it up here. "Thanks Jarvis," Peter says running to the trampoline. "Me first!" I shout chasing him.

Bucky sits on one of the chairs watching us. "Jarvis is Steve looking for us still?" I hear Bucky ask. No, he just ordered sushi. "What?! What kind?" He shouts standing up so fast he falls over. I'm unsure. You should check. Jarvis responds opening the doors. Bucky runs in and once the doors close i ask, "It's a trap isn't it?"

Yes. Peter and I share a glance and start laughing. "So how often does Tony let you visit?" I ask after we finish laughing. "Usually once a week, if I'm lucky twice," he responds. "Give me your number and we can text then," I say. We exchange numbers and decide to head to the kitchen. Mr. Stark is looking for you Peter. "Okay, thanks Jarvis," Peter responds then whispers, "He's gonna make me leave." Peter walks into the elevator and I follow him. "Jarvis, where's Bucky?" I ask. In the kitchen as well.

"Great. I'm dead as then," I mutter. What floor? "The kitchen please Jarvis," Peter responds quietly. We stand in a comfortable silence until I randomly remember, "I never helped Bucky get his clothes out of the dryer..." Peter stares at me. "Why?" he asks. "He always gets stuck." We then laugh and the doors open. We walk into the kitchen and Tony is sitting at the table. Bucky is sitting with Steve at the couch. "Peter, I didn't realize you were here. Did you pretend I invited you again?" Tony demands. Peter just giggles nervously. "He can stay can't he? His idea of having pizza for dinner saves us from cooking. I think he should get some pizza for helping," I suggest. Tony nods in agreement..

"There you are! You need to help me cook dinner!" Steve scolds me. "What about pizza for dinner instead?" Bucky suggests and Steve shakes his head. "We had that last night." Bucky and I groan in protest. "What should we make? Suggestions?" Peter and I exchange glances and shout random ideas.








"Turnip!" We all look at Peter. "I gave up so I started shouting random vegetables," he explains. "Can we make burgers and fries?" I ask. "If we have some in the freezer, if not we could go shopping again," Steve replies after thinking about it. Peter and I run over to the freezer and throw frozen stuff around. "I found burgers!" Peter exclaims. We keep digging for frozen fries but the freezer is fry less. "Alright then, Tony I'll take Clio and Peter to get fries. Can I have the keys to the BMW?" Steve asks. "No, you can take the minivan after the little stunt you pulled earlier," Tony says smirking. "Aw, that thing is so hard to park," Steve whines.

"Hello foolish mortals, your king has arrived!" "Must you do this every time, brother?" Thor and Loki exit the elevator. "Loki get the keys to the BMW and you can come with us," Steve bargains. "Okay," Loki runs to the lab and throws the keys to Steve. "What! No! Come back don't you dare enter the elevator! Don't you push that button! Steve!"


"Loki, stop rapidly changing radio stations," Steve complains. "Are we there yet?" "For the last time no we jus- never mind..." Steve pulls into the parking lot. "Now remember, only frozen fries. Nothing else," he demands. "Yes Steve," we say in unison and exit the car.

"Okay we have the fries and a cat..." Loki trails off. "Where did you get a cat from?" Peter asks. "I went to a pet store because I can!" he exclaims. "Whatever, just don't tell Tony," Steve mutters and pays for the fries. We exit the store and walk towards the car but Loki's cat runs into the bushes by the store. "No come back! Tiny Loki! Come back!" Loki shouts and runs after it. "Tiny Loki..." Peter mumbles. Steve just shrugs and gets in the car. We wait for Loki to get back. "This cat has no respect for authority-" "It really is a Tiny Loki," Steve interrupts. The three of us laugh as Steve pulls out of the parking lot.

Once we enter the garage and the car is parked Loki runs out of the car. "I have a cat! I have a cat everyone!" he screams. "Loki! No!" Steve shouts. Peter and I grab the fries and head to the elevator. Loki presses the button before Steve can get in. "Loki!" he shouts. "Can I hold the cat?" I beg. Loki hands the cat to me. "Why did you get a black cat. They're supposedly bad luck," Peter points out. "I want to scare Tony of course," he smirks. I pet the cat and he purrs. The elevator doors open and Loki snatches his cat back. "Tony look at what I have!" he exclaims. "No! Not another creature! nOt IN THIS HOUSE!!!"


Hello fellow readers! Thank you guys so much for the recent votes! I hope you all enjoyed this weeks chapter. Have a lovely day!


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