It's Not Nerf

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"Hey guys is breakfast ready? Something smells....wHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???" Peter overlooks the waffle batter covered kitchen. Burnt waffles in the waffle cooker, dirty dishes on the counter, Clint and Natasha launching batter at each other with spoons as catapults. "Wait don't move! I'm adding this to my channel," Peter exclaims. Bucky and I were playing chess in the living room but stopped to watch the battle. "You have a channel, like on the TV?" "No Barnes. He has some stupid YouTube channel where he posts videos of us and narrates what we're doing. I don't understand why so many people watch it," Clint explains.

"They watch it cause they wanna see what heroes do in their off time," Peter explains. "It's still creepy," Bucky mutters. "Is there anything edible?" Tony demands. Clint walks over to the griddle. "It's burnt..." Clint mumbles. Screeches of disappointment come from Tony. After all the breakfast chaos we all fight over cereal. "Clio can you get semi presentable?" Tony demands. "Barnes change out of those baggy sweats, Natasha put your knives away, Clint stop sulking and Peter! Why are you still here looking like some goblin? At least brush your hair!" Loki runs out of the kitchen with his kitten, which he insists on bringing to the table, and screams, "I won't and never will get presentable when Tony orders me to!"

I head to my room and try to think of what to wear. I decide on my plaid cardigan and blue jeans. Deciding to change in the girls bathroom I bring check to make sure no one else is in there. Locking the door behind me I quickly change then look at my messy hair in the mirror. I borrow Wanda's brush again and fix my hair up in a messy bun. After brushing my teeth and washing my face I head back to my room to make my bed. Once my room is semi clean I make a mental note to yell at Peter about making his "bed". I reach the elevator and Thor runs in before the door closes. "Hello Clio, do you happen to know more about my brothers new plan. I fear he plans to sabotage the meeting with the king." I try to recall what he told me. "He said something about Oreo's and milk. He might try to steal some snacks." I guess with the information given to me. All Loki said is that Tony would pay the price of Oreo's and milk.

We get out of the elevator and I find Peter watching TV on the couch. Natasha and Clint had finished cleaning the kitchen and are watching with him. "Where'd the TV come from? I don't remember seeing it before..." Clint answers my question while keeping his eyes glued to the TV. "It's a hologram thing that retracts into the coffee table. Or something like that." I sit down beside Natasha and realize they are watching a Disney movie. "Mulan, huh?" Natasha shrugs. "Just be glad Bucky and Sam are upstairs. They've memorized all Disney songs and sing aggressive duets. It's pretty weird." Peter laughs. "Hey Peter, you should change out of your pajamas and make your bed..." I suggest trying to get him to fix up my room.

He sighs and does as I say. Soon after he leaves a frantic Tony starts running around. "Why is there other peoples stuff everywhere? Why can't people clean up?" He half screams. The loud shouts cause Silence to run in and jump on the couch. "NO!" Tony shouts. I hug Silence and Clint leans over to scratch his ears. "Clio can you please take Silence upstairs before Tony explodes?" Steven begs. I push Silence off and lead him to the elevator. Outside my bedroom door I hear Peter singing to All Star. It's on repeat because it starts up again. Of course timing is key. "someBODY ONCE TOLD ME!" I shout kicking the door open and scaring Peter. He shrieks and falls over onto his mattress. Silence jumps on my bed and curls up. "Why would you do that?" he shouts with hints of laughter. "I saw an opportunity and I took it," I declare.

Peter had already gotten changed and made his "bed". He was just singing for fun. I plop onto my bed and pet Silence who was trying to sleep. "We should stay upstairs since Tony is going crazy. What do you wanna do?" I ask. Peter shrugs and someone knocks on the door. "Hey, I was told to come and find a Clio. I'm Shuri." Peter and I face the door. "Hi, I'm Clio and this is Peter." I introduce us and shake Shuri's hand. "So what are you guys doing?" she asks. "Not much, we were actually trying to figure out what to do. Any suggestions?" I ask. Shuri looks deep in thought for a few moments then exclaims, "Have you guys ever heard of Nerf guns?"

Peter and I nod excitedly. "We can play capture the flag but with Nerf guns. I manufactured my own type of gun like Nerf ones that works way better and it's high tech." Peter gasps. "You made your own? That's awesome!" I nod. "We'll need more people so we can have even teams. We can find the people on this floor that have nothing to do and get them to join!" I plot. Shuri heads to get her guns while Peter and I head to find recruits.

-------------Ten Minutes Later----------------------------

The teams are red and blue. On the red team is Peter, Bucky, Sam, Wanda and Bruce. On the blue team we have Shuri, Natasha, Rhodey, Clint and me. Blue team is stationed in the far corner of the training room with red team in the opposite corner. Our flags are coloured napkins taped to the wall. The rules: if you're hit you freeze until shot by a team member. There's a dividing line you need to cross with the flag to be safe and NO HEAD SHOTS! The games begin...

I hide behind one of the training dummies with Shuri. Natasha is guarding our flag while Clint and Rhodey attack the blue base. From my view I can see Peter parkouring over the training equipment and Bucky charging Clint. Wanda seems to be guarding the base with Sam. Bruce has disappeared. "Okay battle plan," Shuri whispers. "We can sneak into their borders by going behind the training equipment, keeping us out of sight, we'll need to watch out for Peter but since there's two of us we can save each other. Once we get close enough, I can distract Wanda."

I nod in agreement but remember Bruce. "Wait, we don't know where Bruce is, he might be waiting for us." Shuri just shrugs. "That's a risk we'll have to take. Now go as quietly as you can." Shuri darts behind the first target she sees and I quickly follow. Our pace is quick but careful until Peter finds us. "Hello fellow humans." he taunts and Shuri strikes him right in the chest. "Hey! No fair!" Peter complains as we run off. "Wait, watch out!" It's too late. Bruce gets Shuri and I use her as a shield to try and get Bruce back.

"Don't hit me!" Shuri warns as Bruce fires at us. After a couple more tries Bruce runs out of ammo and I get him. "Free me now!" Shuri demands and I do so. We make it over to the flag and Wanda. As agreed I run out and start dodging her shots. Shuri makes her move and hits her. I grab the flag and make a mad dash to the line. If I cross it in time I'll win. Wait...Sam! He starts to charge me and I duck. This throws him off guard and he trips over himself. Taking my shot, I run as fast as I can. Across the border I can see the rest of my team down. It's just Sam and me. Shuri runs past me scaring me. "Where'd you come from?" I demand. "I'm fast," she dead pans and runs onto our side to free the others.

I'm so close...BLERG!!! Shuri and Clio are needed on the main floor. I dive over the line using Jarvis as a distraction. "Ha! Blue team wins!" I exclaim. Shuri and I leave our guns beside the elevator and get in. In the living rooms sits Tony, Steven and who I believe is King T'Challa. "Ah the kids are here." "Actually Peter's still downstairs...." Tony scoffs. "Whatever, we only needed you two. So, I'm guessing you two have already met but I need your help. Loki has put toothpaste in the Oreo's and ants in the milk. Prank him back and get some of the others to help you." Steve orders.

"Alright, will do." I accept the challenge. "Shuri how long do you want to stay. If you're bored I understand," T'Challa asks. "I just joined a prank war and you ask me if I'm bored. Who even are you?" She jokes and we walk into the elevator. "Jarvis can you tell everyone in the training room to meet us on the roof?" I demand. Shuri and I decide to wait on the trampoline for the others. "So what do you think we should do?" Shuri asks. I shrug and the doors open.

"I hear you need help destroying Loki."

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