Chapter 8

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Bill POV

When i came back into the master bedroom with my drink I had just made, I heard sniffling and soft sobbing. I paused and looked around, “Hello? Pine Tree?”

All I got was a sniffing and whimpering response.

I went over and saw Pine Tree curling up in a corner, holding his knees close to him as he sobbed. I was surprise to see him...even to see him like this at all. He was supposed to put Gilbert back into the trance so I could get the amulet! No...he was here sobbing.

“Pine Tree, what happened?! I thought you were just going to go back to the kid’s mind?” I asked as I floated to him.

Pine Tree raised his swollen face as he rubbed his eyes, “M-Mabel protected his mind...I-I’m not sure how she did it…”

“Now, now, this isn’t something to be crying about. I knew something like this would happen so there is actually another-”

“I don’t care anymore, Bill! Mabel doesn’t even want to see me! She doesn’t even want to be with me! M-My plan...My plan is gone and ruined…” He sobbed.

My eye widen, “No, no, no! Pine Tree! You can’t give up like that!”

Well it was more because I need him to put Gilbert in the trance and get him to get the amulet for me.

“Well..what is the point? I can’t do anything about it! Mabel doesn’t want anything to do with me! I can’t change her mind...she cares about those people more than her own brother! Me! She cares those people better than me! H-How could she do this!?”

I sighed as I made my drink disappeared. I had to take care of him or my plan would never happen. So I came over to him and petted his hair, “They don’t just don’t understand you, Pine Tree. They just don’t think you are that powerful or strong enough. These people are missing out.”

Pine Tree sniffled, “You’re right...they are missing out...especially Mabel...She would rather hang out with those mortal fools than with me…”

“Exactly! Even more reason to go and get the amulet! Gilbert has a sister...there is another link to get the stone!”

“A sister you say eh?”

“Yes...I believe her name is Ginger. So now! Go find her, get in her head and do the spell again!”

“Actually...I have a better idea…”

“Oh? You actually have a better idea than this?”

“yes...Yes I spell did work before but Mabel stopped and interrupted him...he is now protected by my sister...she is in the way...She has ALWAYS been in the way…”

“Well we can’t just kill her off…”

“Oh heavens no we can’t...but there are other ways of getting rid of her…”Then all of a sudden, Pine Tree grabbed me. I yelped as I felt him crushing me slightly, “I just need power...and not just a little bit...ALL of it.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Pine Tree. Hold up! You are just upset and not thinking right!”

“No, Bill...I am thinking VERY clearly. Nobody knows me...nobody respects me...everyone basks in my sister’s light...well I want them to bask in the moon’s light for a change...and I can’t do that unless I have more power...I NEED that power to do this! To put my sister away and rule the world myself!”

“Pine Tree! Don’t!”

He then held me tightly, slightly squeezing me as tears streamed down from his swollen face, “Bill...I want that power...give it to me right now! As my guardian...give it to me!” He continued to crush me, which I was surprise he was strong enough to do that. I gasped for breath as I felt the power inside of me, the full power of the moon, pouring out of me. He was literally crushing the power out of me and taking it for himself.


Then there was a bright light and a powerful force. I felt myself hitting the wall and falling to the ground. Who knows what happened to Pine Tree.

When I came around and the bright light faded away, I groaned as I raised myself. That is when I realize how different everything felt. I felt so empty and powerless...but that was a given but no...there was something else that were different.

When I reach up to feel my head...I instead of a solid shape…

“H-Huh?” I muttered as I looked at my hand. I gasped when I saw that I had a human hand. I frantically felt myself...I was in human form!?

I felt myself, I was in a nice yellow suit..pale skin, soft blond hair….

“Oh dear heavens…Pine Tree what have you done!?” I shouted as I looked over to where he was and then my eyes widen when I saw him.

He was also on the ground, on his hands and knees. He was laughing...laughing hysterically, “Oh...the power! I can feel it! Hehehehehe, Now I really can do what I show the world what I truly was made for!” Then he raised his head and I saw that his eyes were different. Instead of his soft brown eyes...they were glowing yellow with longated pupils...just like mine…

He grinned as he stood up and looked over at the mirror, “Of course they wouldn’t accept me like this...I mean look at me…” He replied as he took off his headband like grown, “I look like the common wonder they don’t enjoy me or even know me! I just look like everyone else in this filthy world.” He then dropped the crown on the floor. He then ran his hands through his hair to make it messy. It also showed the Big Dipper birthmark on his forehead. That was why Shooting Star would call him Dipper.

Also when he ran his hands throw his hair, these dark crystal like structures grew out of his hair, making his own crown. They were black with a tint of purple in these crystals. Then the rest of his outfit changed. His little cloak he had changed into a real cloak that was pure black with black feathers at the shoulders. Then his shirt turned shiver with a few buttons at the top were unbutton. Then his vest was completely opened and turned black and purple along the edge. Then his pants and boats turned black and his boots actually turned into heeled boots with actual heels. Then the moon that was on his cloak before was move to be around his waist with a silver fabric. Then his eyes turned into this sharp blue color and his pupils were normal.

“There...that is much better.” He smirked.

He then turned around and faced me, “Oh and don’t worry Cipher...I’m not going to hurt are the first person to rule in my glory as my right hand man.”

Then he came over to me and grabbed my arm and lifted me up to my feet, “Now...let’s make sure my sister doesn’t stop my plans this time around.” Then he release my arm and headed out to his balcony. He stepped outside and looked up at the moon with a wide smile as he made a blue flame in his hand. Then he shot the flame up to the moon.

The moon then glowed this blue color as it formed into be a full moon. Once the moon was a full staid as a blue color with the big dipper on the moon now...sealing the moon to the sky.

Pine Tree grinned, “The moon will stay...the sun will disappear...Mabel can’t wake up now to ruin anything else in this new kingdom.” Then he closed his eyes and placed his hands on the railing of the balcony, “The other, the girl...Ginger….she isn’t asleep yet. I can’t find her.” Then he looked back at me, “Where would she be?”

“Well...she will be clinging onto her brother.” I replied.

Then Pine Tree cursed under his breath, “And I can’t find the boy either...Mabel changed his mind up a bit. I can find his mind but it only leads me to Mabel because she did something to his mind...which is strange because she doesn’t have powers over the mind…”

“She does have illusion magic.”

“Right...she must have use that…” Pine Tree replied as he rubbed his chin, “But she is also keeping the boy under her he would be at the castle.” Then he looked back at me with a dark grin on his face, “Let’s go have some fun~”

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