Chapter 12

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Gilbert POV

"What?! Nobody knows where he is?!" I gasped out.

Carter sighed as he rubbed his forehead, "I know, I know. There are rumors everywhere in where he is. The forest, the mountains...everywhere! He is hidden because he knows so much secrets of magic, the most powerful thing on this world. I told you it was a long shot."

I sighed, "it is and I'm not even sure if we will have enough time to find him before Prince Dipper does...well, who knows what to the world!" Then I looked back at Carter, "We need to find this wizard. He must know what to do either to wake up Princess Mabel or stop Prince Dipper. We have lots of men that can go around and search for him."

"What about the people? The people in the village? We don't know what Prince Dipper's intestine are first. He could be after the people and we have to protect them. We don't have enough men to do everything."

"Right..." I growled, "well...what about a book?"

"A book?"

"Well isn't everything written down? I some people know about the moon and sun history is because it was written down. I am positive things about the wizard are written down somewhere! Like a history book...a journal..."

"There is no such thing...the wizard is a secret."

"Then how do you know about it?"

"I..." He then paused and thought about it, "At a bar..."

"A bar? How could you have heard it from a bar?" I questioned. Then i stepped right in front of him, "Captain, we need to know. Even if it sounds silly or stupid. Anything could help. I learn this from my sister...Anything...I mean anything could help us at this point."

"It was years and years ago, before I became a guard for the Princess. I had a rough day and I went off to a bar to get drunk. The bartender...he was telling us stories about this wizard that could do all. He spoke so highly of the wizard, as if he knew him personally. Then he went on saying how he didn't approve of him? I am not too sure...I was drunk and he ramble on and on, switching on topics. He was cool, he was evil, I adore him, I hated him, and then so on. It made my drunk mind very confused."

"Where is this bartender?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know? Where was the bar you went to?"

"Well I don't even know if he is there now! I haven't been there in so many years and he was an older man at the time...he might not be around."

"Might, that is the real thing. We have to try Captain...for the Princess."

Carter sighed as he looked over at Princess Mabel, "Of course...for the Princess." Then he looked back at me, "You are right, Gilbert. We have to go and try and see if he is still there."

Then suddenly there was commotion that could be heard from outside. We both looked outside and walked out to the balcony to look over at the town. The town was light up by the lights of the people. Then the people were screaming and shouting.

"I guess it is morning..." Carter muttered as he looked up at the full moon up in the sky, "And the moon is still up."

"We better to crowd control." I replied. Then my eyes widen, "Wait..."

Carter then looked back at me, "What?"

"The people of the village are awake now...and their Princes might just make an entrance."

"Then let's not waste any more time." Carter replied as headed out of the room. I quickly followed after him. As we were walking down the hallway, Carter just stepped into a room and grabbed something from there and headed out of the room. Then he toss me a baggy white shirt, "Here."

I caught the shirt, "Thanks." Then i carefully put it on as we walked down the hall. We quickly headed out of the castle, taking some guards with us, and we went to the village. My guess...was correct.

All of the people were starting to be gathered in the center of the village, in the huge courtyard.

"What is this!?"

"Who are you!?"

"What do you want?!"

Looking over at the people, standing on my toes, I could see what was going on. The people were gathered around the center where there was him sanding where the fountain used to be. It was now melted to a flat surface. Prince Dipper stood there are the people gathered around him in fear, confusion, and anger.

Prince Dipper scoffed, "How typical how brainless you flesh bags are. You don't even recognize your own Prince! Your new ruler!"

"Where is Princess Mabel!?" A man demanded.

Prince Dipper eyes sparked, "We do not talk about her! She is gone!" Then he raised his hands and water came from the ground and covered the man. The man panic as this was happening, along with the people around him as the water devour the man. Then once the man was cover in water he was turned into a frozen statue. The people panic and gasped out in fear.

"This is your warning! All of your warning! If anyone...and I do mean...ANYONE mentions about her...You will end up like him! Do you understand!" Prince Dipper growled, his cold blue eyes glowing.

At first the people were just muttering to each other, none of them answered Prince Dipper. This really pissed him off, "I said...DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Yes, what?"

"Yes...your Highness..."

Prince Dipper smirked, pleased to have the people tremble before him.

Carter grabbed my arm and got close to my ear, "We need to surround the place to make sure he can't get away." He whispered.

"We have to be careful though. He is dangerous...and we don't want to set him off." I whispered back, "He could be full of surprises."

Carter nod his head as he looked back at the other guards and mentioned them to move around the courtyard to surround him. I started to move also, walking through the crowd slowly, and keeping my eye on Prince Dipper.

We had to stop him. He was doing a lot of damage with his unstableness. He was full of power and was unstable, which was not a good combination. He needed to be stopped before anymore lives are gone.

"Things are about to change around here. For I am your new leader for the rest of time! So...everything sunny and bright and or part of my fake band. If I see anything like will be punish. Then those guards..." He then smirked, "They are no longer in charge and they need to be put down immediately."

I paused for a moment as I looked over where I last saw Carter. He was trying to turn the people against us and I knew this was a bad sign. I only made eye contact with him and he had a concern face, like me. Then he disappeared in the crowd.

Then I looked back at Prince Dipper.

"There are new guards of this village...and they will make sure you will all obey me." Prince Dipper smirked.

Then I felt cold and a chill up my spin.

CoOoOoMmMmEeEeE tOoOo MeEeEe

YoUuUu BeEeEeLoOoOoNg WiTtTtTh MeEeEe

CoOoOoOmMmMe ToOoOo ThEeEeE pOoOoOwEeEeEr

BeEeEe OnNnNnNeEeE wIiIiItTtTh MeEeEeEeE


Then to confirm my horror growls came into the crowd and I felt the cold fur brushing against my hand. People noticed this too and they screamed and yelped as they jump to the side for the Nightmare Wolves.

We were surrounded with Nightmare Wolves.

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