On the Lamb

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(Jade's POV)

"Will!" I yelp as I stand. He looks at me but keeps his gun pointed at Hannibal. I know he is a bad shot, he won't do much unless he is close and right now, he is getting extremely close. I look at Hannibal and he is staring at me, eyes and expression empty. I feel my fingers itch. I can't use my ability to stop Will and Will isn't a killer but he will if it means putting away someone guilty. Does he even know about Hannibal's secret?

"William, put the gun down. You're frightening Jade." Can Hannibal see me shaking? Maybe, he is observant. I gulp and move towards Will, he puts his hand up.

"Don't. I know what you want, Dr.Lecter."

"And what do I want, Will?" Hannibal finally turns his gaze away from me and up at Will. Will is glaring down at Hannibal with such intensity that I thought Hannibal would catch on fire but he was being so cold that I'm not sure if he would really.

"You want to kill Jade. And eat her." Will says slowly. My eyes widen. Eat me? Wait...

"Hannibal the cannibal." Will gives a hollow chuckle, "sounds catchy."

"What makes you think I wish to harm Jade in any way?" Hannibal is a cannibal... I didn't know t-that part... I feel like I may vomit, he eats people. He murders them then eats them. He eats them. He actually fucking eats them. I leave the room quickly. Will yells my name and I saw Hannibal stand. I run outside, the dogs barking at me as I slam the door on them so they won't escape. I leave. I run away from all of my problems. Like a coward.

I feel fresh tears roll down my cheeks. Hannibal was going to eat me. He was going to eat me. He didn't like me, he didn't want a friend, he didn't care. I can never be loved! I'm un-fucking-lovable. I whimper and fall to my knees in the cold night. I don't know where I am and I hope I never get found. I fall in love so quickly that my heart just gets broken so fast. I'm hopeless. Fuck.

"Jade!" I hear Hannibal yell. I look up as me and the surrounding area gets washed in Car headlights. I feel like a deer. I stand frozen as I gaze into the car's lights. Out hops Hannibal. Will is not with him. What happened to Will? Did he kill Will? Is Will going to be his next meal. A lump in my throat forms. I back up as Hannibal approaches. He notices and picks up his pace. I turn to run but he grabs me around the waist and lifts me up. I scream and kick.

"No! NO NO NO!" I cry out hysterically as he carries me into the passenger seat of the car. He buckles me down and I panic as he slams the door closed, an angry and pained expression on his face. I whimper and shake, I tremble as I try to control my breathing.

"I only wanted you to trust me. I wasn't going to hurt you. Will is... unstable." He is tying to justify what he's doing. He bounds my hand in Will's handcuffs. I know their his, I just know. I whimper and cry.

"Shhh shhh..." he puts his palm on my cheek and rubs his thumb on my hairline. I look at him and his eyes read something I can't put my finger on.

"I killed William." Hannibal announces. I cry louder.

"I'm going to keep you at my home. I'll send Abigail away like I did Will. I will make you trust me again, Jade." He looked me in the eyes again. I look away but he moves my chin.

"I want you to know what I have very strong feelings for you, Jade. All I do, all I think, all that I say, is for you." He parks in front of his house. He carries me bridal style into his home. Abigail stands from the couch she was seating at. I gasp.

"A-Abigail?" I stare at her. She nods and smiles at me.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of you." Abigail doesn't know. Oh dear god. I open my mouth to tell her but someone hits me over the head. I fall asleep.

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