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Issie and I continued walking, the storm was only getting worse and I wanted to get to shelter as much as Issie did. We continued on and soon enough I was that Issie was freezing, more so than I.

I gave her my jacket and hoped for the best. Issie soon got warmer and I got even colder. I was left in a normal t-shirt and jeans with a pair of boots. Not the best for a ever growing snow storm.

Eventually we saw a giant sign reading 'SNOWDIN' in all capital letters. I grabbed Issie's hand and exclaimed, "Issie! We made it!"

Where we made it was unknown to me and honestly I didn't care, as long as we could be warm. We walked into the quaint looking village. I smiled to myself as I saw silhouettes of people hanging out and laughing in the windows.

Soon enough, Issie stopped me from my walking. She was pointing to rather large house decorated with Christmas lights. Just now I realized how lost in thought I really was. We walked a good way into the village.

I nodded to Issie and we started walking over to the house. Hopefully, these people were as nice as Toriel was. Issie stood in front of me and knocked rather loudly on the door. I looked up hopefully when I heard shuffling behind it. I lightly pushed Issie behind me, in case these people were trouble.

I gripped Issie's hand as the door slowly opened. Maybe this wasn't a good idea, maybe we could find somewhere else. Maybe it'd be best to stay out here in the storm, waiting it out. But right as I was about to turn around I heard a loud voice start out from in front of me.

"SANS, IT'S A HUMAN," the skeleton said. Wait skeleton? He looked like an innocent enough person, and he was armed at all. He was actually holding his arms out as if he was going to give us a hug.

I realized that Issie was trying to peek out at the skeleton and I let her do that. The skeleton didn't seem to be of much harm and whoever this Sans character was probably wasn't bad. I stared at the skeleton, not letting Issie go.


There was a crash heard from behind the door and inside the house. I didn't know why but I got the bad feeling again. It was the same feeling I got when Frisk looked at me with bewilderment. It didn't seem normal. Like I wasn't supposed to be here.

I glanced at Issie but turned back to the door when I heard footsteps get closer to it. A rather short skeleton popped out. He looked way more relaxed than the larger skeleton. He was wearing clothes I would kill to wear right now.

The short skeleton, though looking shocked now, looked as if he normally didn't do much. I was slightly jealous of it. But as much as I loved to stand out there, on their porch with a skeleton standing shocked and another skeleton talking his head off about being famous for capturing us, I wanted in.

I lightly shook Issie's hand when I saw that she was getting tired of all the cold. I gestured to the skeletons and Issie seemed to get the message.

"Oh, yeah! Can we come into your house? We'd love to escape all this cold," Issie always seemed to be able to talk to anyone. I wasn't so lucky.

I was only able to talk to people I trusted and knew for a long time. Sometimes when it was early in the morning I would talk nonstop but I always regretted it later.

The large skeleton beamed at us and let us in. He said he would make his world famous spaghetti and Issie seemed happy to join him. I smiled a little to myself as I walked into the warm house and saw Issie run after the skeleton happily.

Issie asked him what his name was while I stood in the living room. I didn't know what to do so I stood there waiting for something. The taller skeleton said his name was Papyrus and that his older brother, the shorter skeleton, was Sans.

I saw Sans laying on the couch and I decided that I didn't really have much else to do. Sans looked asleep anyway, which meant that I wouldn't have to try to speak.

I walked over to him slowly and sat down cautiously, trying not to wake him up. I didn't want to have to talk to him, mostly because I knew my voice would probably fail me. I didn't want to face that.

I sat there for a while, feeling the warm air take over my cold body. Before I knew it my eyes felt heavy and I was falling asleep. I tried to stay awake but it proved to be useless.

Soon I drifted off to a deep slumber.

Trust Will Break and Fall (Sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now