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I'm awakened by a small shake. When I opened my eyes Issie was standing over me, shaking me a little. I open my eyes fully so that Issie can see that I'm awake.

Issie takes a step back when she notices I'm awake. Issie starts talking loudly, "we're going to the store."

I hesitated before looking around, no one but me and Issie, "you and who?"

I heard a gasp from the kitchen, "THE HUMAN HAS SPOKEN. SANS, DID YOU HEAR THAT?"

I immediately shut my mouth, regret flowing through my body. Papyrus kept talking, more like screaming, to Sans about how I said something.

I look up at Issie, seeing her not afraid of the loud noise. I tilted my head a little. What the hell? Issie usually hates loud noises. Loud usually means parents and parents usually mean bad.

Issie shakes her head at the skeleton, giggling slightly. I got more confused but I kept my mouth shut. Issie quickly turned back to me.

"Anyways, do you want to come? Papyrus is going to Undyne's house so you'll be all alone if you don't."

I looked at Issie. I really didn't want to go but I wasn't about to leave Issie to some guy I didn't know. I nodded my head and Issie smiled at me.

"Sans, (Y/N)'s gonna be coming with us, okay?"

I hear a silent, "ok," from the room before it went completely silent. I looked over at Issie and gave her a small smile.

Not even five minutes later we were leaving. Papyrus had already left to whoever Undyne was and Sans and Issie were ready to go. I slipped my shoes on and followed them out.

I didn't have a jacket, as that was what I was going to get at the store, and I was freezing. Sans looked back at Issie and I to make sure we were alright. Issie had my jacket on and was content while I probably looked like a popsicle.

Sans chuckled at me, "if you needed a jacket, you could've just asked."

He slipped off his jacket and slid it onto my freezing form. I nodded my head at him, surprised and thankful. He nodded back at turned back around to keep walking.

After a good 5 minutes of walking and a 3 minute boat ride, we were there. Issie looked dangerously familiar with this place, she knew where she had to go to get everything she needed. Sans had went off on his own, he wouldn't tell me what he was looking for.

I had given Sans his jacket back when we got into the store but now I kinda wish I hadn't. I felt lost and confused and a jacket, especially a fluffy one, was perfect for crying in. I shook my head and started walking.

I kept walking around the store mindlessly until I saw someone. It looked like a robot of some sort. I quickly ducked behind a rack and prayed to god that the person wasn't heading this way.

Much to my luck, he wasn't. He turned and went to a different isle. I went into the isle he was previously in and looked at some of the clothes. I didn't even notice when someone walked up next to me, looking at the shirts.

I looked up after a while and jumped back when I saw the person. It was the robot. I opened my mouth to say something, probably scream, but nothing came out. It looked more like I was staring at him, mouth wide.

"Why, hello, darling. Looking for something," he asks me. His voice sounds... well, sounds like a robot. I didn't know whether to shake or nod my head and ended up tilting my head.

He laughed at me and gleamed, "well, I'm Mettaton! The most popular monster down here!"

I nodded my head a little and the robot asked again, "so? Anything you're looking for? This is my store after all!"

I froze up. What was I looking for again? A chill runs through me and I remember. I pretend to be shivering, although I didn't know how much of it was truly fake, and then imitated putting on a jacket.

"A shirt? A hat? Oh! A jacket! Perfect, we have those, darling," exclaims the robot- er Mettaton.

I nod and the robot grabs my arm. I violently flinch at the contact but Mettaton doesn't seem to notice. My heart starts racing as Mettaton drags me somewhere.

I look around, trying to distract myself. I see Sans standing off to the side, watching me and Mettaton. I look back at Mettaton to see him yanking my towards a different isle.

An isle that only held jackets. How did I miss this?

The robot stops at a section and picks out a red and white jacket. I look at it weirdly. Mettaton tsks at me and shoves it in my arms.

"Try this on," he says. I nod and go to put it on when I get stopped. Mettaton is shoving another jacket towards me.

I struggle to take it before continuing to put on the jacket. After a few seconds, Mettaton shoves another jacket in my arms and I smile nervously at him.

"Oh, you're not done. Sorry, darling, I'm not used to humans yet. Frisk barely comes around anymore. I apologize," Mettaton apologizes and picks up a few of the jackets from my hands.

I finally finish putting on the jacket and look over myself. I look... pretty good. I smile a little to myself and turn my head a little, looking at the back.

A red and white jacket that looks and feels great! This is amazing. Plus, there's a little fluff in the hood and all through the sleeves, making it very warm.

"You like it," asks Mettaton. I smile and nod to him. He looks so happy about the affirmation, "that's great! Well, have fun, darling! I've got to go to my show!"

He runs off and I feel and hand land on my shoulder, "were you lying to him or telling the truth? i honestly can't tell."

I jump and turn around to see Sans. I fall to the floor and land on my back before silently groaning.

I turned to my side and laid on the ground for a while, just silently dying.

"Sans! You scared her," Issie's familiar voice cuts through the air. I look up at her and nod. She shakes her head and turns to walk away jokingly.

"No, wait, Issie. I'll give you all my hot pockets," I say quietly. An inside joke between me and Issie.

Any moment now, she'll say, "but your hot pockets are soggy, (Y/N)!"

I laugh and forget about the skeleton next to us.

"whoa, pap was right. you can talk," Sans says. I feel all the laughter leave my body. I nod and try to give my best smile.

I really didn't like talking in front of new people. Something bad always happen when I do.

So, I usually choose to be silent.

Trust Will Break and Fall (Sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now