Chapter Four: Mr. Rabbit?

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"I slept on the couch last night." I grumbled in a drowsy voice to the man behind the counter.

His name tag read 'Connor'. He definitely looked like a Connor, meaning he was quite cute. He had wavy brown hair and pale blue eyes. He must be a freshie.

"That's nice ma'am, but uh, could you please tell me your order? We are starting to have a line." Connor said.

Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that.

I looked up at the menu signs on the wall. There were many options, ranging from chicken burgers to apple tarts. After last night's rabbit scare, I had a delicate stomach and probably would just get something like a smoothie. I had called 911 about 15 minutes after gawking at the animal guts. I know they probably thought I was some insane cult witch who had murdered rabbits for fun, but I was genuinely scared. It was a lot like that weird dream I had when I hit my head in Stellan's office. Any-who, they sent some people to clean up the mess but lucky me, I got a picture of the bloodied scene before it was completely gone.

Let's just say, it will be haunting me for eternity.

I'm sure you can guess what happened after that.

"Wait, how can there be a line if it's, like, 1:00 a.m.?" I asked the cutie.

Connor scratched the back of his neck and looked around the room. The fast food restaurant was quite vacant, I was almost positive I was the only visitor at these hours.

"Sorry my bad, I don't really know how to act around pretty girls." Connor admitted shyly.

Oh God! He is so adorable, kinda like a puppy.

"If it makes you feel better, I am pretty socially awkward!" I responded, blushing at his compliment.

Boy am I a sucker for sweeties like him.

"Oh," Connor laughed, "that's cool."

"Sure, until it nearly gets you fired from your new job."

"What happened? If you want to talk about it we can sit in that booth over there." Connor pointed to a red and white striped booth with a small brown tabled sandwiched between it.

"You sure you want to listen? I have a pretty screwed up life. Oh, and I'm really boring. Yep, that's me, Ms. Boring, South Hampton." I rambled aimlessly.

Connor looked into my eyes and I noticed he had ting freckles on the bridge of his nose. A lopsided grin arose on his face.

"I have time." He responded.




I tried reading his expression.

Nope, I am officially illiterate when it comes to faces.

"Well..." He started, "I must say, we now know what happened to Mr. Rabbit."

I laughed in a nervous sort of way.

I had spilled my guts to him, everything but the weird dream. If I had told him that, he would probably send me to a mental hospital. Actually, considering how my life is right now, that doesn't sound half bad.

"Honestly, that's one situation you've got there... Vanessa?"

It's not like I didn't already know that.

"Yeah, it's Vanessa and you're right. I am just quite confused right now, like, what should I do?"

Connor chuckled, that lopsided grin reappearing.

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