Chaper Two

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Addison's POV

"Why did you move to America?" I asked him as we walked out of math and across the campus to the English building. Apparently we had the same 1st, 2nd, and 6th period.

"Umm well my mom had trouble finding work back in Australia and she found work here in tampa. So of course I was drug over here because I couldn't leave her after..." Luke stopped himself short "Never mind."

"Okay" I said cautiously "How did all your friends move here too?"

Luke laughed a bit at my question "Calum, Michael and Ashton are all old enough to move out and we are like brothers. We grew up together and always said we were gonna be in a band together and tour the world. We used to love to travel all the time, so they decided to all go to college over here."

"That's really sweet" I said thinking of Luke's relationship with his friends. I would love to have some friends like that. I know Cassie loves me but not that much.

"Oh crap I totally blew my tough guy image!" he jokes. I start laughing

"Don't worry I think your ripped shirt and lip ring saved you this time. Better watch out next time you decided to tell the world about your emotions, cause I don't think your lip ring and shirt could save you from too much more."

Luke started laughing and shook his head. We walked into class and Luke sat down next to me again in the back of the room.

Did you know English passes by really quickly when you are half sleeping? It was over in what felt like 10 minutes.

I walked out of English with Luke walking silently by my side. I could tell he was thinking hard about something and by the look on his face it didn't look great. It was almost like a bad memory come up, so I decided to not ask.

I said goodbye to him as I walked towards my Spanish class and he heads for his history class.

The rest of the day flies by pretty quickly which I am thankful for cause it is usually dragging by. I walk into my science class and I am surprised to see Luke sitting, once again in the back of the classroom, and he is talking to a guy named Drew that I really never talked with much. Luke waved me over to the seat directly in front of him. I sat down and turned around so I was facing Luke and Drew.

"Hey Drew." I said smiling. He was known for doing some sketchy things but to me he seemed okay.

"Hey Addie." Drew replied smiling. Drew and Luke were talking about some of the bands they liked and I jumped in when I heard some of my favorites like Greenday, My Chemical Romance, and The All-American rejects. Drew actually was really cool, and I really should have gotten to know him sooner.

After Spanish Luke and I walked out to the parking lot together, once again talking about bands.

"Hey can I have your number so we can talk later." Luke asked "you are like my only friend here at this hell hole."

"You already hate it and it's your first day?" I said laughing "and what about Drew?"

I took his phone and typed in my number. "He's cool too but I only have that one class with him so I don't know him as well as you." He replied shrugging. I handed him back his phone and he sent me a quick text so I could have his. "I got to go. I promised my friend Cassidy I would go to the mall with her this afternoon." I said as I saw Cassidy walking towards me from the Math building.

"Okay I will see ya."

"Bye I will text you later"

I turned to walk towards Cassie's car and waited there for a minute for her to get there and unlock the doors.

"Was that the new Aussie kid that you were talking to?" Cassidy asked smirking "Cause I heard that he is quite the bad boy."

"What the heck? Where did you hear that?" I asked not believing a single word that came out of her mouth. She was no truth all gossip. "Ana told me that she overheard her History teacher saying that 'he would not tolerate anything from him' and 'he needed to start a new life here and not keep living like he did before'. And Ana also looked up his Instagram during lunch and she saw some pretty shady things."

"Like what?" I asked still not believing her.

"She didn't tell me exactly but I am just warning you to be careful with him."

I sighed "Luke doesn't seem like that kind of person but if it makes you feel better I will make sure I get to know the real him."

"Okay that's good. Let's get over to the mall quickly before the afternoon crowd. It just makes everything easier when there are less people."

"What do you even need to get?"

"A dress for Ana's birthday next week. Have you changed your mind about going yet?"

"No I am not going. Knowing Ana, there will be a bunch of drunk idiots that I don't want to have to deal with." Ana was one of Cassidy's good friends and I guess one of mine too. She was really fun and crazy but she always throws big parties, sometimes for no reason. Her mom was that way too, but they were both fun to be around.

"You could bring Luke and he could meet some people here at Chiles." Cassidy suggested

"No" I said again. I know she will try every way possible to get me to go.

"Well guess what," Cassidy started, oh God, "you are going and that is the end of that! You never socialize with anyone, so it is about time you actually talked to people besides me, Ana, Lanie and now Luke."

I sighed. Well it appears that I will be going to a party next week. I will text Luke to see if he wants to go. He is my only level headed... Friend? Yeah I guess we are friends now. He is a really sweet guy. He has good hair too. And his lip ring... Crap. I don't like Luke. I just met him today and I don't really need this after what happened with Braxton. No. He is a friend. Just a friend.

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