Dear Girl That Will Marry My Husband,
Please handle him with care. He may appear sturdy and put together like thick glass. But glass -no matter how thick- can still break. If he has let you in, clearly he saw something in you, and his judgement is usually correct. So since he has let you in, please be careful. It's like when you are let into a new house, you treat it with care. So please don't go in and make a mess or knock things around. He trusts you. I know that when he gives in, he does so wholeheartedly. Please approach his heart in the way one would a delicate flower. He may seem uncaring and rude but as you probably know it's an act. You know because you saw something which made you want him. So please remember that something. And if he loves you, love him back. For when he does love, it is a love deeper than the sea. Just treat him the way he will surely treat you. With kindness, loyalty, respect, and love. Do not forget that something you saw. For once you are let into his world, it'll be worth it.
- R.E.