Chapter Ten: Doctor? I Need a Doctor Right Now!

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Wyatt's POV

It's been five days since the incident. I stayed at the hospital. I couldn't bare leave. Mrs. James told my parents where I am. Luckily, they let me stay. I've missed school too, but I don't really care. As long as I'm in the same building as Allison I'm fine.

Except me, Nicholas and Mrs. James stayed here as well.  Millie insisted on staying, and since Finn didn't want her to be here alone, he stayed, too. The others visit almost come everyday.

For now, the doctors have stopped the bleeding, but now she's currently in coma. Since yesterday they finally let friends visit. Now I'm in her room 24/7.

I haven't checked the letter I found on the mirror. I thought about it. It was probably for Nicholas or her mother. Now I would find out.

I read it and my heart ached and I couldn't help but start crying. I was sitting on a chair by Allison's bed. I looked at her and held her hand.

"These past few days, I told you this almost a thousand times, but I'll say it again. I'm sorry, Allison," I told her. My mum used to tell me people who are in coma could hear what you tell you. I hope it's true.

"Wyatt..." she said.

"Allison!" I smiled and stood up, staring into her half-opened her eyes.

"You... you can apologize many times..." she started. Oh no. "But I won't forgive you.. until you tell me why.." a tear came out of her eyes. "Why did you make me do this?"

My heart started aching again. "Allison- I-I.. I don't know what came over me after Jack left... He was the glue holding us together. I don't know what happened. Please believe me," I begged.\

"Jack left hoping we will stay friends... not become enemies," she said. "I understand. My reputation got ruined after Jack left... because of Ellie..." 

"What...?" How come I didn't know about this?

"After Jack broke up with her to go... she was mad enough to convince everyone that Jack cheated on her... with me..."

"That's okay, now it's okay. Now you're fine. We can be together again, best friends," I sniffed. "Getting exciting over random shit nobody else but us cares about. Superheroes, Wizards, Gladers, Celebrity crushes that are way too old for us," I chuckled. She smiled.

"Wyatt... I love you," she said.

Something came over me, but all I know is that my body wasn't in my control anymore. 

I took off her oxygen mask and held in my hand and leaned forward. Our lips touched and I could feel butterfly fireworks exploding in my stomach, and that with every explosion, new butterflies were born and then they would explode... and the loop goes on and on...

I felt the smile on her face. I pulled back and smiled, too. I put the oxygen mask back on her face. 

"I'll go tell everyone you've finally woken up," I said.

The butterflies were still exploding, but they quickly faded as I heard a long buzzing sound. I turned around seeing her heart pulse has stopped. 

I ran outside and started shouting. "Doctors? I need a fucking doctor!"

Some doctors and nurses went inside as Mrs. James and Nicholas ran to me and Finn was waking Millie.

"Wyatt, what happened," asked Nicholas.

"Her heart stopped," Wyatt breathed. 

"What?" Millie exclaimed as Finn pulled me in a hug as I cried. I've become a crying mess because of Allison. Fuck it, I'm ready to jump off a cliff for this girl!

The doctor came out of the room and stood in front of us.

"Well, we tried..."

A/N: How about I don't update for a week aye? with this cliff hanger I'm probably killing many people. Lol. 

Jk I'll update tomorrow. It's 5:33am kmp XD

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