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Wyatt's POV

1 Year Later

"I can't believe you're finally back, Jack!" Sadie smiled.

Jack moved back here yesterday and today he came to school and started school.

It was the last hour of school and we had a free period, so we spent it in the hallway, talking.

"Hey guys! I missed you all... Wait a.. where's Jaeden?" Asked Jack.

"He's on a date," Sophia told him.

"Oh... With who?" He asked.

"Lilia Buckingham. She just came this year but in a few months he stole Jaeden's heart like a professional thief..." Said Millie smiling. She ships them, of course.

Jaeden and Sophia broke up before school started. They thought they would be better as friends rather than dating.

"Well that's great!" Said Jack. "Hold on someone else is missing. Where's Allison?"

"Shit," said Gaten, looking at me. I frowned thinking of her.

"You just had to ask?" Said Noah, rolling his eyes.

"What? Why? What happened?" Said Jack getting worried.

The last bell rang as kids started filling the hallway.

I walked to my locker to take something. I opened my locker and a paper fell out. I took it and opened it. It was a picture of Allison. I frowned more, but before I could put it back someone took it out of my hand. My frown faded and a smile came to my face.

"Oh my, you keep a picture of me? How sweet!" It was Allison. She kissed me on the cheek. "Damn, you can't go one hour without me, can you?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in detention?" I asked, taking the thing I wanted, a book, and closing my locker.

"Do you really think I would stay there?" She chuckled and we started walking down the hall.

"Anyways, I met these two guys in detention. Chosen and Jeremy. They're cool. I told them they can hang out with us after school," said Allison.

"Wait.. boys?" I asked. We walked out of school grounds and headed towards the lake, where the others are probably at.

"Oh, don't get your protectiveness activated you little cinnamon roll," she laughed. "They're nice, but first of all, I just met them. And second, who would ever replace you?" She stopped and held my hand, I stopped and we looked into each others' souls. "Sweet." She said leaning a bit forward. "Lovely." I got closer, too. "Someone who makes me smile every time I think of him," she finally said and our lips touched. She held my cheeks with the palm of her hand as I held her waist. We kissed for a minute a pulled back for air.

"And a hella good kisser!" She joked causing me to laugh.

We went by the lake and everyone was there.

"THEY FUCKING KISSED!" Jack exclaimed.

"Who fucking kissed?" I asked, mimicking what he said.

He pointed at a boat in the distance. It was Jaeden and Lilia on their romantic date.

"Oh," said Allison. "I thought he meant us," she said lower enough so the others won't hear and high enough for me to hear. I chuckled as we walked to them, holding hands.

"THEY'RE FUCKING HOLDING HANDS!" Jack exclaimed again.

"Jack. Stop it," said Gaten. "Get some help."

A/N: should I make a sequel?

Also this book entered. Wattys2018 so please vote for my book.

Anyways thanks for reading my depressing story that had a happy ending. This book is my second completed book but the first one that I'm proud of. This is the book that I will look back at it and say "I wrote that!" with pride instead of saying "who wrote that?".

I'm sorry if this book was too dark and depressing.

You have finished.

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And then go read another book.

Whatever you like.


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