~Chapter Six~

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Katniss POV

     Throughout this week me and Peeta got to know each other more and now I can finally talk to him without stuttering. Finnick invited us all over to his house for a party to celebrate Peeta and Madge's first week of school here. The party is tonight so me, Johanna, and Madge all head to Annie's house to get ready. It's sort of a tradition. Before dances, parties, dates, and anything special like that we all meet up at someone's house and help each other get ready. The only difference this time is that Madge will be there. I don't mind though. She's really nice, we figured out that we live next door to each other which is kind of ironic.
     When we get to Annie's house we all run up to her room. She tries, like every time, to get me and Johanna to wear one of her dresses but, like every time, we decline. But Madge agrees and starts trying on dress after dress. Johanna and I laugh at the scene. Annie is all excited and talking as fast as a leprechaun, I don't know how leprechauns talk but I imagine it fast, while Madge's face ranges from excitement, to shock, to being scared. Finally they decide on a dress and Annie starts curling Madge's hair. While she's curling it we start talking about Peeta.
     "So, Katniss, are you going to tell him you like him??"
     "No! Of course not. Well, not yet at least, I only just met him a week ago. Besides, it's the guys job to make the first move."
     "Hold up guys," Madge intervenes,
" I'm lost, who do you like?" Whoops, I never told her. I do feel kind of bad, but at the same time I don't want her to tell Peeta. But before I can say anything Annie squeals,
     "Your brother! She likes your brother!" She quickly covers her mouth with her hands and looks at me with big scared eyes. My natural Katniss instinct would be to get mad, and possibly yell, but it's impossible to get mad at Annie. She's just so bubbly and happy all the time. I look over at Madge whose eyes are huge and has a big smile spreading across her face.
     "What?" I ask her smiling.
     "Oh, it's nothing," she replies. But even though I've only known her for a week, I know it's not nothing.
     "No, it's not nothing, what is it?" I press.
     " Really, nevermind. Isn't it time to go anyways?" She says looking at an imaginary watch. Oh well, I know somethings up but I guess I'll find out eventually.
     When we get to Finnick's all the boys are upstairs playing Fortnite some kind of new game everyone loves. I don't really know. Mrs. Odair answers the door. She directs us upstairs.
     When we open the game room doors we see the three boys spread out in the room. Finnick is sitting on an office chair spinning around as he's playing, Gale is in a bean bag, and Peeta is sitting on the sofa. Johanna see this and gets mad. I can tell by the way the tips of her ears turn red. She marches over to the T.V. and turns it off.
     "If you guys want to play on this brain-cell-killing machine then go right ahead, we'll just go back home." Oh dear, sure Johanna has a temper, and a very short one, but this is nothing to get worked up over. She must just be emotional right now.
     "Dude! What was that for?! We were just going to play until you girls got here then we would turn it off." Finnick half-shouts.
     "Whatever, lets just do something else. What do you want to play?" Johanna asks, back to her normal self. We all think about it for a while until Finnick comes up with an idea.
     "Truth O'dair!"
     "What?" Peeta asks clearly confused.
     "Truth or dare. Truth Odair. My last names Odair, sounds like 'or dare'" he explains.
     "Oh! I get it!" Peeta laughs. So we start playing. We go around the circle a few times, until it's Annie's turn again.
     "Okay, umm... Peeta! Truth or dare?"
     "Umm, Truth."
     "Ok, who do you like?" I see Peetas face then bright red as he mumbles something under his breath. A collective "What?" comes from everyone, so he repeats louder this time.

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