~Chapter Fourteen~

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Peeta POV

All the bridesmaids, maid of honor, flower girl, and ring bearer come out and line up on stage. When the song Deep in the Meadow starts, my stomach starts doing flips. This is the moment that's going to change my life forever. I'm about to marry Katniss Everdeen. When the curtains open I feel my jaw drop. There she is. She's the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. As she's walking towards me, arm linked with Haymitch's, I feel a tear escape my eye. When she reaches the stage Haymitch hands me her hand and kisses her cheek. He walks back over to his seat as I pull Katniss up in front of me. We stand there looking into each other's eyes, hands joined,  as if we were the only two people in the world. The preacher, Plutarch Heavensbee, talks and says some stuff that I don't really pay attention to. All I can think about is this beautiful girl in front of me. When Plutarch tells us to exchange our vows I start,
     "Katniss, I honestly don't know how I got this lucky. To get to marry you. I remember the day I moved here from California. Right before I went to bed that night I looked out my window and saw you in your room with your braided hair, sitting there reading your book. At that moment I knew I would love living here. But then the next day at school I saw you again. When I talked to you that day, I knew I wanted to marry you one day. After that things went by in a flash, we started dating, graduated high school together, and I finished college. The day I graduated I went and bought your engagement ring. I asked you to marry me the next day and that was the best day of my life, aside from today. I promise to always stay with you, love you, and support you, forever and always." By now we're both crying. Plutarch turns to Katniss and she starts talking,
     "Peeta. Now I'm not as good with words as you are so hang with me." The crowd chuckles as she continues, " I remember Finnick told me one evening that his cousins were coming to join the school, little did I know that one of them would be my future husband. The next day I didn't think much of it, I just remember thinking that I possibly would gain a new friend or two. But when I saw you walk in the room that morning something happened. I didn't know exactly what it was at the time, because I never felt it before, but I know now. I fell for you. There were butterflies in my stomach and my heart beat like crazy. After we got to know each other more, you asked me on a date. It was my first date I've ever went on and was all I ever dreamed of. That night, whether I realized it or not, I knew one day I would marry you. And here I am. Standing in front of you about to say I do. Like you said, I promise I will be there for you, love you, and help you, always." Now everyone else in the crowd is crying. What surprises me most is seeing Mrs Everdeen. After we're done with our vows Plutarch goes through the whole normal speech and we each say, "I do".
     "And now, for your favorite part, you may kiss the bride!" Plutarch exclaims. I lean in and kiss Katniss feeling like the luckiest man on earth.

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