Chapter 9 - An Unofficial Date

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Kiri's POV

A Week After the Party

It was a shock for the first few minutes. Who am I kidding? It was a shock for days. There was so much in me that wanted to pack a bag and go to Oriens, but I couldn't. I wasn't sure if I even qualified for the surgery. What if it didn't work? What if Lord Mike was wrong and the surgery success rate was still low? What if this was all a lie, and I'd never get my sight back? The what ifs swirled in my mind. As I reflected on them, a knock on my door interrupted me.

"Come in," I said.

"It is me," Sasha replied as he entered with tea. "I bring letter."

"Please read it to me," I nod, pretending I have a choice in the matter. In truth, I hate that I have no privacy. Everything about me is constantly on display: my health, anything written to me, and every time I wanted to write something. What I wouldn't give to read a letter and keep its secrets in my heart.

"It say," he says, as he opens it up, "Lady Katelyn Morgan, I apologize for my folly last week. I should have sent the note to you sooner. Please allow me to make it up to you by coming to tea with me tomorrow at 3 o' clock. I anxiously await your response. Sincerely, Wilfred. P.S. Sasha is also welcome."

I was silent for a minute as I sipped my tea. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the last few encounters I had with the prince. Maybe I should go.

"Sasha, please write back and tell the prince I would be...happy to accept his invitation."

"Is this your answer?"

"If you're asking me if I'm sure, I am."

He says nothing, and all I can hear is the sound of the pen scratching against paper. I wish I had the ability to write my own letters and notes, but I had that taken from me a long time ago.

The Next Day

At tea time, I arrived at the palace with Sasha. We were led down a hallway to the prince's study; Claude knocked on the door and announced our presence. As we take our seats, I'm struck with a sudden thought: I'm not really sure how this is going to work.

"I'm honored you accepted my invitation," the prince begins.

"Thank you for sending an invitation in the first place." I smile.

"I must confess that I couldn't help myself; your company is enjoyable, and I couldn't wait for another chance opportunity to pop up."

I'm taken aback at his forwardness, and I can't help but blush. It's nice to feel normal for a change.

"Allow me to serve tea," Sasha says. I can hear the trickle of tea as it is poured. The cup and saucer are placed before me, and I slowly reach out to take it in my hands.

As I sip the earl grey tea, I'm reminded of the last time I had tea with his highness.

"Thank you, Sasha," the prince says as tea is placed before him. "Katelyn," he begins.

"Kate," I interrupt.

"Kate," he begins again. "I have a question."

"I'm an open book." I sip my tea.

"I disagree," he chuckles to himself. "Regardless, I am wondering why you haven't texted me yet. I gave you my number when I saw you in the library, and I was expecting a text." He sighs. "I would have texted you, but I don't have your number."

I feel my heart stop. "I...I'm afraid I don't have...a phone." Silence.

"Oh, I'm...sorry. I just assumed," his voice was soft.

"It's okay. I should have said something at the library." I awkwardly sip my tea.

"Solnyshko, you do not tell truth," Sasha says.

I shake my head. "What do you mean?"

"She no say that she get phone soon," he tells the prince. I literally have no idea what he's talking about at this point. "She no have phone now. It break. But soon new phone and she text you all day."

"Sasha, I don't-"

"Hush miss. You just nervous because this like date." He's smiling, I can tell. What the heck is wrong with him? He's making me sound like some silly school girl with a crush.

"Well," Wilfred says, "I look forward to having you text me." His voice is low and inviting. I can't put my finger on what it is, but something in his voice tells me that he's trying to hide a smile.

Wilfred's POV

I'm asking Katelyn why she hasn't texted me when I find myself rambling. When I finally cut myself off, she surprises me with her response.

"I don't have a phone," she says. I feel like I've been knocked through a loop. Of course, she doesn't. Her father is too protective of her to let her have one.

"I'm...sorry. I just assumed," I say awkwardly. Damn. I wish I could be more suave, but around her I become a bumbling idiot.

"It's okay. I should have said something at the library." She says, calmly sipping her tea.

"Solnishko, you do not tell truth," Sasha says suddenly, breaking into the conversation. Katelyn tries to object, but he continues. "She no say that she get phone soon. She no have phone now. It break. But soon new phone and she text you all day."

"Sasha, I don't-"

"Hush miss. You just nervous because this like date." He's grinning from ear to ear. I can tell they have a good relationship from the way he's teasing her.

"Well," I say casually, "I look forward to having you text me." I smiled, genuinely hoping we could develop a friendship.

Two Hours Later

I'm sitting in my office, finishing work. Katelyn and Sasha left an hour ago. I had a pleasant hour with them, but one thing still plagues me: what is Sasha's purpose? After reading a detailed report from Alberto, I am aware that Sasha is a nurse, but I don't know why he is with Katelyn.

Following logic, he is her personal nurse. But why? I still don't know why she needed physical therapy after her accident. Maybe it was a leg injury. But why need a nurse? Maybe she had surgery and the therapy was to help her adjust after that. Was she still undergoing treatment? Is that why she still needed a personal nurse?

Everything was so confusing. Even so, I can only hope that we could develop a friendship in the coming years.

Hey everyone! I'm really sorry it took so long to update this chapter. I've been in the hospital and dealing with a lot of stuff. Anyway, I decided that I'm gonna be expanding this story a little bit. In the past, I've stuck with 10 chapters or so, but this one will be a little longer. Thank you for being so patient. Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns. Thank you for reading.

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