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Valez and Remer entered the campground, not really knowing which direction they needed to be in. They searched around until they came upon a small store. Valez hopped out and ran into the store, flashing his badge. "Can you help me? I'm looking for 61 Lake Front. Cabin 38." The store owner drew him a map on the back of receipt paper. "Take a right, out here," he pointed. "Follow that until the fourth drive to your left. It's a ways past there. Cabin's got a red door and black shuttas." He then spit his tabacco in a can. "Thanks."

Christine woke up with a sharp pain to her face. She was in a white lacy negligée with matching panties. The room was not the same as the one she had spent the past few days in. This was different. Masculine. Her bottom half hurt as she tried to sit up. 'Oh my god.' She thought. "No. No." She silently cried when she realized he had sex with her while she knocked out. She remembers he hit her, but then everything went black. Christine's left arm was handcuffed to the slat of the headboard. There was no way she was going to be able to get out of there. She scanned the room, James was not there. Where was he? At this point, she didn't care, as long as he wasn't next to her. Touching her body. Violating her, again.

James sat in the living room area on the sofa in a pair of jeans. Just jeans. On the sofa, a beer in his hand and four empty ones on the table in front of him. He was smiling. He and his future wife just had sex, even if she wasn't aware of it, James was, and he enjoyed every second of it. He couldn't wait to do it again, with her awake this time. The beer was giving him a good buzz. He hurried and finished it, then disposed of the bottle in the garbage. On his way to the bedroom, he stopped to go to the bathroom. The beer was laying heavy on his bladder. He washed up and brushed his teeth, then went into the bedroom. Christine shot up and grabbed the blanket covering herself. James laughed. "Oh Christine. You don't have to hide that beautiful body from me. I've already seen you naked, and I love it." He sat next to her on the bed. "I love you and want to marry you, right now." He grabbed the blanket and yanked it away. Christine cried out. "Please don't do this. You have already broken the law. This is going to be harder on you James. Don't do this." He ignored her and grabbed her breast, caressing it and straddling on top of her. He tried to pull the negligée down when he heard a pounding on the door. James looked up and Christine screamed. James quickly put his hand over her mouth and told her to shut the fuck up.

"James Gilman, this is the LAPD. Open the door. We know you're in there." Valez yelled. "We know you have Christine Miller." James got up form the bed. He pulled a hunting knife out from a sheaf he had in his drawer and pointed it to Christine. "Don't make me use this." Christine's eyes went wide, and she nodded. James made his way to the living room area. "This is private property and you are trespassing; Christine and I are in love and she's an adult. Last time I checked that was not a crime. Now leave." James yelled from behind the door.

Valez shook his head. "Is he for real?" He said to Remer. "Ten to one, all three of these locks are locked. That's going to be hard to kick in." Remer called swat. They were in route, but at least a half hour away. The only thing they could do is try to talk him down. "James, Christine's mother is worried. If she really is in love with you, why was she trying to get away from you? Why did you have to drug her and kidnap her?" James's face tightened and yelled. "She does love me! You don't know what you're talking about!"

Christine frantically tried to break the slat of the wooden bed in hopes to get free. This wood was solid, and she had to be careful not to make a lot of noise. She didn't want him to hear. But she banged on it every time she heard him raise his voice. The wood started to split just a little on the eight bang. "I have a large knife and I'm not afraid to use it. Now leave my house!" James yelled again. Christine took that opportunity to bang as hard as she could with the use of a pillow. As it connected the wood broke, and parts of it got caught in Christine's arm. She bit down on the blanket, so she wouldn't scream from the pain. Through the pain, Christine managed to get her arm free, even if the handcuff was still attached and dangling from her wrist. Quietly, she wrapped the pillowcase around her arm to stop the bleeding. She desperately wanted to keep as quiet as possible, not to give away the fact that she was no longer handcuffed to the bed. Looking around the room; she realized, there was no place for her to hide. She knew she couldn't leave the room without James seeing her. Christine locked the bedroom door then started to panic.

Valez banged on the door. "Give up Gilman. We have swat coming in. All we want is Christine." James paced just inside the front door. He couldn't give her up. They were in love. "NO! You can't have her. I love her." He screamed at the top of his lungs. James turned towards the bedroom where Christine was. He looked back at the door then back to the bedroom. He shifted his stance and stalked off towards the bedroom. He turned the knob, but it wouldn't budge. James smiled insanely. "Oh you clever little bitch." He calmly said. Then he banged his shoulder into the door. "Open the fucking door!" He yelled manically. Christine lowered herself on the other side of the bed to hide from him, even though she knew it was useless. She was more scared now than she had ever been in her entire life. James continued to break down the door from the other side.

Valez tried kicking in the door from the outside. The door proved to be strong, but he wasn't giving up this fight. He and Remer could her shouting from the inside of the cabin. They only wanted to get Christine out alive. Valez took his gun out of his holster and aimed for the top lock. He squeezed the trigger and the lock was blown out.

"Fuck!" James yelled and with all his might, broke open the bedroom door. Christine screamed. James reached down and yanked her by the hair, pulling her up from the floor. His other hand came around with the hunting knife as he held it to her neck. "All I wanted was to be with you." He led her out of the bedroom and the front door broke away from the frame. Valez and Remer slowly entered, aiming their guns at James. "Put the knife down James." Valez said. "Look." He holstered his gun. "We just want Christine. We don't want to hurt you." Valez stayed put and didn't pursue any further. James teared. His gaze went to Christine. "I love you." The blade in his hand slid to the right and a shot rang out. James and Christine fell to the floor. Remer stood there and put the safety back onto her gun and ran over to Christine, who laid there with a one-inch gash on her neck. Blood was oozing, and the officer quickly tied a sheet around her neck. James laid next to her with a hole in his forehead. His light blue eyes open as if he were just looking up at the ceiling. Blood was starting to pool around him.

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