A New Beginning

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It was exciting. After years of hard work and saving up, I'm living in an apartment with my best friend and fulfilling my dream to become a robotics engineer. I walked through the door of our new apartment and I'm astonished. A giant window takes up one wall, giving the perfect view of the city streets. To the left is a wonderful kitchen and beyond that is a hallway. "Isn't it astonishing, Bea?" I exclaim.

"I don't know, you won't move out of the doorway for me to see, ya ding dong." Beatrice snickers sarcastically.

I move out of the way for her to come in. She let's out an astonished gasp. She walks up to the giant window and looks down on the pedestrians below. I join her and we both stand dumbfounded by the view. We then make our way down the hallway, where our bedrooms and bathroom lay. I open the first door to see a small room with walls painted a sky blue. "I call this room!" Beatrice hollers in my ear.

"Ugh, fine," I roll my eyes. We wander over to the second room, which is a bigger room, painted a lime green. "Still want the other room? This one is bigger." I point out.

"I know, I toured the apartment already. I thought you would've wanted to have the bigger room to make your little robotic trinkets," Beatrice smirked. I forgot she toured the apartment already. I wanted to go with her, but I had to go to an interview for my new job.

"You're such a great friend, Bea!" I give her a giant hug.

Beatrice smirks and hugs me back, "I know, goofball," she messes up my hair teasingly, "Now come on, we've got to unpack our stuff." We made our way back outside and began unloading the truck full of our junk.


Beatrice unpacked our foods and mattresses so we had some to eat and sleep on. Beatrice pulled a few boxes up to the window and organised them into what looked like a couch. "Come, sit!" She eagerly patted on the boxes next to her. I sat down hesitantly, not wanting to break anything inside the boxes. "So, would you like tea or lemonade?" Bea smiled.

"Tea, please!" I grinned.

Beatrice stood up and walked to the kitchen, taking out a tea bag and a packet of lemonade powder. She boiled some water in the new microwave while she poured refreshing cold water into a glass for her lemonade. She poured the hot water into a mug, then placing the tea bag in the mug. She came back over to the box-couch with two glasses of lemonade and tea. She handed the glass of tea to me and we both sipped on our beverages together. "So, still thinking about opening your own tea shop?" I asked.

"I was thinking about expanding it to more than just tea, but yeah," Beatrice answered. "I was thinking about calling it the "Blue Moon Café" what do you think?"

"It sounds lovely,"

We sat in silence. Both of us stared out the window, lost in thought. Finally, Beatrice ended the silence, "Where are we going to put everything? It looks nice and open now, but we don't even have the couch, tv, chairs, table, etcetera inside yet,"

I thought for a moment,"Well, the couch would probably go where these boxes are now. The chairs would go near the couch, table would go in the kitchen, and the TV will hang up on the wall. We can also leave some things in storage, don't worry about it."

"At least the apartment came with a washer and dryer, just wish they weren't in the bathroom," Beatrice yawned, "Well, I'm tired. I'm hitting the hay."

"You're tired already? It's only 10:37!" I said.

"Well, I'm not an insomniac like you are, Coline," Beatrice yawned again, "goodnight."

I sighed, "Goodnight, Bea."

I watched Beatrice walk back to her room. She nearly slammed her door shut. I heard her fall onto the matress and then returned to sit in silence until I heard a knock at the door. "Who's visiting at this hour?" I muttered to myself. I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. I saw a man with blonde hair that looked about Beatrice's age. He had bright blue eyes and wore a gray beanie similar to Beatrice's. He knocked on the door again. I hesitantly opened the door, "Uh, hello?"

"Hi, I'm Nicholas! I live down the hall and I saw you carrying boxes to this address so I assumed you were new around here and could use a friend," he smiled warmly. He pulled out bright blue flowers from behind his back, "I also got these for you."

"Uh, th-thank you. That's very sweet," I smiled nervously. I tended to get nervous around strangers.

"I also saw another girl hauling boxes with you. Do you have a roommate?" Nicholas asked.

"Y-yeah, but she just went to bed," I explained.

"Oh, what a shame. I suppose I'll have to come back tomorrow to meet her," Nicholas sighed.

As if on cue, I hear Beatrice's voice come from behind me, "Coline, who's at the door?"

"Coline, what a beautiful name!" Nicholas grinned.

"Woah, who's the creep!" Beatrice exclaimed rudely.

I noticed Nicholas look at Beatrice uneasily. I turned to Beatrice and snapped at her, "Don't be so rude, Beatrice!"

"No it's fine. Can't blame her. What kind of neighbor goes to a stranger's house at 11:00 at night with flowers." Nicholas tapped his foot awkwardly. "I'll let you two go to bed, have a nice night."

"Uh thanks, you too!" I slowly closed the door and waved goodbye.

As soon as I closed the door, I heard, "Stupid! I'm so stupid! Who goes to greet their new neighbors this late at night!" Nicholas sighed angrily as he stomped away. I heard a muffled door slam and then silence.

"Geez, what's wrong with him?" Beatrice wondered.

"Really," I narrowed my eyes.

"What?" Bea raised an eyebrow.

"You don't call a stranger a creep right in front of them!" I scolded.

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed," she shrugged her shoulders and walked back to her room. I rolled my eyes and decided to go to bed myself. I entered my new room and fell back onto the firm mattress. Although I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. I was too excited about the new place to sleep. Instead, I laid there, thinking about how I was going to decorate my new room. Eventually, my brainstorming had put me to sleep.

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