The Tea pt2

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I really didn't want to go back to my dorm and to be honest I really didn't want to leave Jamal. I shook my head disappointingly. Before I could get too far I heard quick footsteps approaching me. I looked over my shoulder to see who was approaching and it was Jamal I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach. Quickly turning my head forward so we didn't make eye contact picking up my pace . "Aye !" He yelled to me. I debated if I should slow down so he could catch up or act like I didn't hear him. "Aye!" He yelled out again. Oh my God yas just play it cool. I stopped but didn't turn to him I waited for him to catch up. I was being completely awkward and I couldn't help it. He walked in front of me and stared at me. I became so uncomfortable I knew he could see how flushed my face was by now. "Yes?" I asked after I couldn't take the awkward silence any longer "I didn't get your name." He said as he gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life. I could've melted right where I stood. He was fine it was no denying that. "Yasmine." "Yasmine." He repeated as he shook his head. "That's different but I like it." At this point I was blushing "Thank you."  Once again it was an awkward silence. I looked around avoiding eye contact. "Well Yasmine I'll be seeing your around." He smiled and walked away. I stood there for a second completely in shock was this really happening right now. Why was Jamal all of a sudden so interested in ME!!!  I began to walk back to my dorm I needed to gather my thoughts.

Opening my room door I heard Noel blasting her music in the bathroom. She worked on the weekends so I knew she was getting ready for her shift at the local sneaker store. Noel was cool we got a long great but we hung with completely different crowds. She was definitely an it girl. She stayed with the flyest kicks Because of her job of course and she was gorgeous she stood 5'6 with a coke bottle shape out of this world. Noel had it going on she was what we called a red bone and rocked a long blonde weave.  Her nails and makeup stayed on point and she knew all the IT guys. I plopped down on my bed taking off my shoes. Still in shock about what had happened just a few minutes ago. I must've been in a daze I didn't notice Noel walk in. "Honey what you thinking about that got you smiling so hard" she said in her strong Atlanta accent that quickly snapped  back to reality. "Huh?.. oh nothing just something that happened last night." I giggled brushing it off so I thought " Naw the only thing that would have you starring off into space cheesing like that is a nigga." I looked away quickly was I that obviously? "Girl what not even." I didn't want to tell her about Jamal she wouldn't believe me probably. "So who is it?" She asked as she sat on her bed in her towel preparing to lotion her body. " I don't even know what you're talking about Noel." I said trying to sound convincing. " Yasmine stop it girl spill the tea." She said rolling her eyes laughing because clearly I was a horrible liar. Did I really want to tell her this. Was it worth telling?  I guess I could tell her she's my roommate. " Okay." I said giving in to her. She clapped her hands excitedly. " This morning when I went to breakfast Jamal from the football team asked to join me but I turned him down because I thought it was a joke but then I ran into him again and he spoke briefly and he asked my name and told me he would be seeing me around." I looked up at her and the look on her face was blank . "What?" I asked nervously. " Really Bitch? That's why you in here cheesing." She laughed. I was so embarrassed was i thinking too much into it? "What's so funny?" I waited for her to respond. " Well first of all we have to get you out more because girl that was nothing but Jamal is like my bro I could put you on." She said picking up her phone. "No!"  I Screamed. "Don't do that." "Why not you like him right?" She asked "I think he's cute I don't know him to like him please don't do that don't even mention me to him." "Why?" Because I still thought this was a joke why would Jamal want me I thought to myself.  "Jamal doesn't like me like that he was just being nice." "How you figure that." Because I'm fat why would he want me I thought. " look just don't please okay." " I guess but I know my bro he's a sweetheart I think it's worth a shot." "He wouldn't want a girl like me."  I admitted. " A girl like you?" She asked confused as she got up to put on her clothes. "A big girl Noel." She turned to look at me "Girl big girls in right now all the niggas want a bbw." We laughed. " At least your shape is cute you ain't no sloppy bbw. I think Jamal would holla." I still didn't want to risk it. I couldn't deal with being embarrassed. "I guess girl." She said taking off her bonnet and letting her long bundles fall. She grabbed her brush and touched up Her hair. "Well I'm off to make my coins. I really think you should talk to him if he's trying to holla girl ...Think about it. She said as she walked out of our room. I laid back on my bed and flicked thru channels thinking about this morning and the conversations I had with Mya and Noel. I didn't  even know if he actually liked me. Was I overreacting? Was I jumping the gun? I felt desperate all of this because a guy approached me. Get it together Yasmine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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