Manik was sitting in his room with a sad face as nandini will be leaving to the murthy mansion with in sometime and on the other hand nandini was feeling happy as she is going to her family for which she had been carved but on the other hand she was sad that she is leaving manik.
She was so lost in her thought that she didn't see dinesh was looking at her so keenly he came to pick them from malhotra mansion.
Is everything fine nandini you are so lost in your self. Dinesh asked keeping his hand on her shoulder.
Ya I am fine you here? Nandini asked in confusion.
I came to pick you guys. He said to her and moved towards other side he signed and went inside the mansion to meet kusum and abhi.
Today will be the last day for me in this mansion I am going to miss everything especially this beautiful garden I have so many memories with it. Nandini thought to herself.
Dinesh entered the mansion to see the beautiful sight that kusum was talking with mukthi with a beautiful smile on her face. He was so lost and his trance was broken by mukthi who greeted him with a small smile as soon as kusum saw dinesh her smile vanished and glared at him.
good morning. He said to mukthi and kusum they just nodded.
where is abhi? Dinesh asked mukthi.
He is in his room uncle. Mukthi said to him and he went towards abhi room.
Abhi was packing his bags when dinesh entered the room with a knock he turned to see dinesh at the door so he just continued his packing ignoring dinesh.
Hey abhi all the packing is done? He asked abhi.
Ya by the way why are you here? Abhi asked with annoyance.
I came to pick you guys. He said to abhi.
We could have come on our own. He said.
I know. He said in a low voice while abhi ignored him.
Can't you forgive me and give me a chance?Dinesh asked him.
I will definitely forgive you and also will give you a chance but for that you need to seek forgiveness from nandini. Abhi said in a low voice.
I will definitely get nandini's forgiveness not only that I will give her all the love she missed these years because of me I will make it up for her and I will keep her so happy that she will forget all her worries. Dinesh said while wiping his lone tear.
I hope so. Abhi said to him.
If you have packed everything shall we go? Dinesh asked him and abhi nodded to him.
I will miss you guys so much. Mukthi said hugging kusum and abhi together.
She moved to nandini and hugged her tightly and said... I am so sorry once again nandini I am really guilty for speaking such harsh words and you increased my guilt by forgiving me so easily now I will promise you I will always support you what so ever the situation is I want my sister back.

monster's angel
FanfictionHi guys this is another story hope you guys will support same as the other story. This is the story of MaNan but I even want to show the bondage between the siblings. Manik Malhotra and Cabir Malhotra are twin brothers. They own the Malhotra enter...