t w e n t y - n i n e | l a n a

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t w e n t y - n i n e | l a n a

t w e n t y - n i n e | l a n a

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TIME REFUSES TO slow. One second Lana sees the dagger flashing across the cavern, and the next, it hits him in the chest. Her heart stops. It's as if the wind is knocked out of her. Her knees get weak. He jumped in front of Skye.

Bryan jumped in front of Skye. And falls.

She forgets about everything. Sound seems to be drowned out. He was hit right in the heart, a fatal strike. No one could survive that.

Beside her, Raz grabs her shoulder. His expression is like shattered glass, and all the blood has drained from his features. He was once emotionless, but she sees everything now. Agony, as if he had been stabbed. Denial, as if nothing had happened. Anger. Love.

Bryan's dragon, Whiplash, suddenly lets out a loud keen that echoes across the cavern. It's like a knife to the heart, and a signal for the worst.

Raz looks towards Whiplash, horror dawning on his expression, then rushes forward. His footsteps echo loudly in the cavern full of stunned silence. The only movement in a world of statues.

Dazed, Whiplash and Lana stumble after him, running forward as if in slow motion, watching the scene unfold in front of them.

Raz's legs give out once he's beside Bryan. His hands shake and tears threaten to spill as he reaches for Bryan's limp hand. He's not moving. He's not breathing.

"Bryan, no..." Raz suddenly whispers softly, cradling Bryan's hand, bringing it to his face desperately. "You can't leave when I was just starting to fall for you."

Lana finally reaches Bryan's body, miles behind everyone, unable to comprehend the sight in front of her. His eyes are still open, staring lifelessly above them, seeing yet blind. Whiplash kneels beside his fallen Rider with insurmountable agony in his silver eyes. A small whine escapes him as he nuzzles Bryan's body.

Lana looks towards Skye helplessly, praying that this is all fake. He doesn't acknowledge her presence, only staring down at his friend with blood splattered across his lifeless features. It can't be real.

Can it?

Raz brings Bryan's body into his arms, rocking back and forth as tears fall down his face. Bryans is motionless. Lifeless. Empty.

"Why couldn't I foresee this?"

Not real. Not real. Why?

Skye is suddenly by her side and grabs her hand. She looks towards him, and for the first time she sees him look lost.

It all finally hits her.

Like a thousand stones, and a million times worse than Vyanna's mind control. It's as if her heart is shredding itself into hundreds of pieces. Her soul is scattered in innumerable shards. Pain, beyond anything physical wracks her body. Anger, hotter than a thousand suns lights her veins on fire. Sadness, deeper and darker than the ocean sinks her heart.

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