Chapter 2- 10 Reasons Why An Emo Guy And a Preppy Girl SHouldn't Fall In Love

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Chapter 2

My life sucks. And then I die. Sorry Jacob.

Autumn's POV

I sit on my flower covered bed whipping away my tears. How could he do that to me? To ME!? I thought he was different, I thought he cared.

Darn it! Why is it that everyone I care about turns on me? Why is it that when I think I have everything figured out it changes and it's like I don't know it anymore?

And yet I still can't get that boy out of my mind, he looked like he was hopped up on steroids, with major road rage and looked like he didn't have a good night sleep for days.

What was with him? I didn't do anything to him. As I tell myself this I get angrier. Why didn't I say anything? Why didn't I stand up for myself! I never stand up for myself. I'm Pathetic!

All my life people have criticized me for my freckles, my personality, my clothes, everything that makes me, ME. I wouldn't of cared as much about what happened today if it just happened this once but it happens every day by everyone.

Everyone feels the need to share their own form of cruelty with me.

I need a change...I need to be different. If the freaking emo boy is dissing me then I know something is wrong.

Maybe I can change...or at least try to.

This is the last draw I can't take it anymore.

I have to change, I have to get out of here.


"Hey Mom" Autumn says.

"Hi Tiggs" she replies, I frown at the stupid nickname.

"I was wondering if I could visit aunt Mindy" She stops washing the dishes and stares at me shell shocked.

"Aunt Mindy?" she asks in a surprised tone.

"I want to visit her I haven't seen her in a while. Since it's summer vacation and all" I said with a pleading smile.

"Um...yeah...sure...But she'll make you stay all summer"

My annoying step-brother butts in "Yeah sure, it's not like she has any friends or anything better to friends can come over less annoying person to look after"

I stick my tongue out at my step-brother.

"Yeah I'm sure Autumn will have a wonderful time with aunt Mindy, mom" he snickers. "She'll come back with a shaven head and a couple of tattoos."

I ignore my step-brothers rude but might be true remarks "So can I mom? Please."

"" she looked hesitant but finally agrees "Fine you can go to Ireland to see aunt Mindy...but you'll be so far. You sure you want to go?"

"Positive" I said happily and determined.

There is no way I am staying here, I would rather stay at a dump all summer than be anywhere, where I might see that emo boy.

Andy's POV

My friends, Nick and Spike babbled on about the usual. When something got me off guard "So did you know the stupid low I.Q duchbag, quarterback, Trent has a sister?"

"He does...good for him" I replied uninterested.

", she has the craziest hair and the onliest freckled face. Dude! She looks like a freak! No offense but seriously she needs to learn the art of makeup quick! They don't even look related." Nick said sympathetically.

"Yeah that should be bad for Trent's Rep. Having a butt ugly sister" Spiked continued.

"Nah, man there not related. Only by marriage so it doesn't do much for Trent." Nick replied

By the way they described her she seemed familiar. But I wasn't sure.

"Does she wearing a button up shirt?" I asked stupidly.

"Like always its looks like a flowered nerd barfed on her" Spike added.

Then suddenly it hit me. It's her...the girl! Why do I care so much either way though?!

"What's her name?" I continued asking.

Nick and Spike looked at me like I was from another planet.

"Why do you care?!" Spiked asked surprised.

"I just want to see how dorky she ya know...make fun of her..." I answered not thinking.

"Ohhhh" they looked at me suspiciously Spike doesn't buy it but he nods.

"I thought you might have a thing for her or something!" Nick chuckled.

"Nah...I'm still with Amanda...and even if I wasn't I'm into pretty girls."

They Laughed. Cold hearted assholes. Nick is supposed to be the sympathetic one in our group but, he's laughing his ass off.

~You see you do care!~

Shut up you ass whole! (Yeah I know I just insulted myself)



~To go or not to

*signs* I can't believe I'm doing this! I have to be out of my fucking mind!

With Hair like that and with that face. I think I am definitely not the first one to comment on that.

I stand at the front door of her house not sure to ring the doorbell or knock on the door.

All of the sudden the door opens.

~The King of the fags has arrived! All hale the King of The Fags! Bow down and pull your pants down to the King of Fags!~

Trent looks shocked to see me. Not surprising, my own mother looks surprised to see me all the time.

I put a blank face on and said "Is your sister home?"

Trent raises an eyebrow and laughs "you're looking for my step sister?"And continues "She may be ugly but even she can do better than you!" He laughs at his own joke. Moron.

"She ...went off to visit...her aunt for the summer" he said between fits of laughter.

"I may be ugly but at least I'm honest unlike you who is still in the closet. You Fucking Homo Fairy." I turn around and left not waiting to hear his respond.

Well at least I tried.

~Yes, you tried but you still haven't said sorry and until then you'll have to carry this guilt. For all you know she could have left because of you.~

Yeah.Yeah.Yeah. Stop your nagging your worse than a mom. Not that I would know how an actually caring mom is.

10 Reasons Why An Emo Guy And a Preppy Girl Shouldn't Fall In Love Where stories live. Discover now