Chapter 9- 10 Reason Why An Emo Guy and a Preppy Girl Shouldn't Fall In Love

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Chapter 9

Mad Hatters at the insane Tea Party

Andy's POV

I sat on the couch with Selena by my side. We were at the Asylum. Yup, we're crazy nuts in the asylum. Since Selena and I been small we used to come here. This place was first showed to us by my dad. Since then we've always come here. No better place to be then an abounded asylum huh? Kind of ironic in the end., school, and school, were to begin in that topic. Time went by fast today and at the same time very, very slow a bit of oxymoron. Autumn and I haven't spoken to each other since this morning and I guess we are better off this way.

"So, so, so, what are you thinking about so deeply, amigo?" Selena asked me while poking me. Like always hyper she can never stay still for a moment even if her life depended on it. That's why I call her Energizer Bunny...she keeps going and going.


She eyed me suspiciously.

"Oh please, you can't lie to me"

"It's about know the usual" but of course it had nothing to do with Amanda nothing at all.

"Amanda my ass. You guys are always breaking up and getting back together, it's a never ending story. You're upset about something else. C'mon tell me!"

She started to poke me again.

"You're lucky you're cute" I warned.

"One of my many talents" she smiled "So are you going to tell me?"

"It's" I was trying to think of something else but my mind went blank on me.

"About?" she encouraged.


Her eyes widened and she started to clap enthused.

"A girl... OMG you like a girl! Okay go talk spill the beans!"

"I don't like her and...It's a long story"

"Then you love her" she continued.

"No, I don't...I...uh...shit I don't know!" I felt completely stupid at this point.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! I have time and so do you!" She jumped up and down on the couch.

I closed my eyes, maybe if I do tell her I'll feel better...

I told her everything. All the shit I went through, the apology, the kiss, the movie theatre, biology class, even the damn frogs. Selena laughed, gasped, and stared at me in disbelief when the moment demanded it.

I should have kept my mouth shut...

"You guys SO like each other!" She proclaimed.

"No we don't" I whispered.

"Well by what you told me it kind of seems like you do"

"I...uh...I don't know I honestly don't know how I feel about her anymore"

"Awwww! My brother has a crush! How ADORABLE!"

"Again, you're lucky you're cute bunny"

She smiled widely and winked.

Nick and Amanda walk in.

"Nicky!" Selena jumps off the couch and kissed Nick.

"I've missed you princess" Nick replied in a sweet annoying voice.

"Hey" Amanda waved at me.

I waved back awkwardly. Whoa this is going to be weird.

"Baby, come with me downstairs" Nick winked at Selena.

"But I don't wanna..." Selena whined.

Nick ignored her and tugged her away screaming playfully.

They left me and Amanda alone. I was ready to walk out of there I didn't want to hear Amanda's shit right now.

"I wanted to talk to you babe" Amanda sat next to me, came closer and ran her finger up and down my chest.

"What the fuck do you want?" I was angry at this point.

~She wants to fuck you that's what~

"I'm so sorry about what happened. You know I didn't mean to act that way it's just that your too fucking hot and I can't control myself around you" She had the whole bullshit filled innocent voice.

Amanda started to bite me neck sensually.

Holy shit this is not going to end well.

"I won't ever do it again. Promise" she continued whispering in my ear.

For once she was the one begging but I wonder why.

She pushed me to lie down on the couch and she got on top of me.

"So what do you say? Do you forgive me?"

I don't know why I didn't get up and leave.

"What if I convince you?" she said seductively.

Amanda sat up still straddling me and took off her shirt then her bra. I tried to look away but she grabbed my chin and made me look at her.

Damn her.

Amanda is hot, sometimes too hot, this would be that moment.

She took my shirt off, ran her tongue up and down my chest and unzipped my pants with her teeth. This girl knows how to fucking tease. I started to breathe heavily and suddenly I had forgotten about everything and my dick was thinking for me.

~Your dick always thinks for you~

As she started to pull of my pants she asked "Convinced?"

I know I'm a stupid jackass but right now I am in no mood to think straight.

~No! Don't do it! Noooooo! ~

I smiled "If you ever do any of this shit again we're done for good"

"Honey, you won't be sorry"

She kissed me and I knew I was lost for good.

10 Reasons Why An Emo Guy And a Preppy Girl Shouldn't Fall In Love Where stories live. Discover now