Chapter 8- 10 Reason Why An Emo Guy and a Preppy Girl Shouldn't Fall In Love

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Chapter 8

Frog stew anyone?

Andy's POV (Biology)

Today is going to be a fun day. I'll get to take out all my anger on so poor dead frog. Don't get me wrong I love animals but this one is dead and we HAVE to do it and why not have fun while I do?

Can't believe I was such a fucking idiot for saying those things to her. I wasted an hour of my life I'll never get back and all for lies. Oh no of course she ain't fucking going out with that nine year old... fucking liar.

She's the same as all the other girls in this school all they want is to be popular and have "hot" boyfriends. Only a few are really down to earth but most are just bitches.

I could have done what I believed was wrong but of course no I had to be Mr. Nice-Guy. She's just one of my mistakes. That's it no more thinking about her.

~Like Autumn...oh wait! You're thinking about her right now! Ha!~

I do not want to hear your bullshit right now. So just shut the fuck up.

~Geez...Fine! Fine! Wait! I'm talking right now! Ha!~

Stupid ass voice never shuts up!!!

Back to the frogs...Yup today I am going to commit a frog murder. I am going to ignore someone and not say a word. Not a word.

I walk into the class and on every lab table has a dead body. Perfect just perfect...


She was sitting down already, looking at the frog in horror. She looked up and saw me and smiled. I looked away not caring if I was being a jackass.

I take my seat and scoot away from her and just stare at the board.

"Hi..." A shy voice says.

I ignore it with all my strength.

Don't speak, don't, don't, don't.

"...I'm sorry about what happened I didn't mean to" she squeaked. She sounded scared, of course she finds me repulsive.

I keep on ignoring her. I look at her through the corner of my eye she looks upset...

NO! NO! NO! Ignore her Andy...Ignore her.

"Okay the truth is I am going out with" she continues.

I know that of course I know that you're going out with that child.

"I...think...I...You" she stutters.

She thinks me what?

~Loves YOU not the little dog, Alex.~

Before she can say anything else the Mr. Cabana walks in. He looks at us then frowns.

Thank you Jesus he doesn't say anything but instead instructs us on our killing mission.

I grab the scalpel and stabbed it inside the frog not really caring about what the teacher is saying. I slit the frog in half and She looks like she's about to faint. This is going to be amusing.

I hand her the scalpel so she can do the next step. It's only fair right?

She took it hesitantly and aimed it to slit the frog across. She closed her eyes and whispered "I'm so sorry" and started to open the poor fella in half.

I chuckled and now she was even paler. She started to sway from side to side and her skin was a light green now. This is too fucking funny.

She opened her eyes and as soon as she saw the crime scene her eyes went back and I quickly grabbed her before she hit the floor. I was kneeling down holding her pale body.

10 Reasons Why An Emo Guy And a Preppy Girl Shouldn't Fall In Love Where stories live. Discover now