Chapter 12- 10 Reason Why An Emo Guy and a Preppy Girl Shouldn't Fall In Love

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Chapter 12

Creepily Sweet

Autumn's POV

I open my eyes and immediately shut them. FML! The light is going to kill my eyes! I don't care if I sound emo right now, give me darkness! Kill the light!

Don't look at me like I'm crazy.

Holy mother of cow, I had the freakiest dream yesterday!

Trent tried to rape me in it! I mean how freaky is that? LIKE seriously he's like me brother, GROSS! I am a girly-girl so I say this with pride, EWWWWW!!!!

Well enough freaking out over this dream. Because I got to get dressed, Alex is going to come pick me up soon. *yawn*

I ever so slowly sit up and stumble over to my closet. Weird...never knew I had a carpet. Why the hell is there so much clothes on the floor? Oh well, I guess I'll fix that later.

All of the sudden I trip over a skateboard. WAIT....I DON'T HAVE A SKATEBOARD!

When I look around at my surroundings with the Halloween theme song running through my head I finally realize I'm NOT in MY room.

All I see is BLACK and some white walls completely covered in band and old movie posters. Like "Clockwork Orange" and "Space Balls", don't ask me how I know.

There is clothes all over the floor along with cigarette butts, and potato chip bags. OH MY GOD! Is that a mouse?! I swear I just saw something move!

Then the unspeakable...UNDERWEAR! Not just guys but girls too. OMG!!! I pull my shirt up and look down. Okay I'm good I still have my underwear on. Wait... then whose underwear is that. Oh god maybe I don't want to know. Whose room am I in?

I look to the corner of the room where a table is at. I notice a small mouse tumble inside an old fish tank. Then the SCARIEST thing anyone can see appears, a SNAKE!

The snake does something sick SERIOUSLY freaking SICK. The snake launches at the poor mouse and eats it ALIVE! All you see it screaming while it slides down the mouth of the snake.


I scream to the top of my lungs and jump on top of the bed and hide under the covers. I don't care how old you are, it is a universal rule that when you hide under the covers monsters can't get you...the killers can though.

I poke my head out of the covers and the next thing you know the door Bursts open and in walks a GOD with a ...bat.

This is a combination of every romance/smut novel. All you're missing is the tropical beach background and the wind blowing at his hair making him look like ALEJANDRO. Complete with the removed shirt and toned chest with semi-noticeable abs and don't forget the wide shoulders. HOLY COW!

OMG! Wait what is he going to do with that bat?!

I scream out to the top of my lungs towards the god "OH NO SAVE ME BLANKIE! SAVE ME! HE'S GOT A BAT!!!"

I quickly hide back under the covers. Then I just hear a burst of laughter and someone gathering me in their arms. I scream again and the arms hug me tighter.


He laughs again and loses his hold. "Holy fuck I thought you were getting killed"

"I will be probably by you!"

He looks at me with wide eyes "I'm not going to kill you" he seemed appalled.

10 Reasons Why An Emo Guy And a Preppy Girl Shouldn't Fall In Love Where stories live. Discover now