Shut The Front Door

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"Sorry Spence" My heart sank, I wasn't mad, maybe just disappointed. My best friend has decided that she is going to be a grown up, live her life and all.  Eh, she'll pop out a few kids and put up a white picket fence. Moving to anther country with my best friend, who knew she'd end up chasing the american dream, plastic perfect family.

"It's fine Rachel, I get it, you have known this guy for two seconds and you think his the one" I spoke in the opposite tone to an understanding one.

"Kaleb is the one okay, I know its only been a few months but I want him to move in, and we need our own space" She attempted to reason with me. Too frustrated to reply I left the room and found comfort in my spinny office chair, staring at the glowing computer screen infront of me.

Now what?

What happens now?

A month..

I have a fucking month...

I began tapping at the keyboard, obviously the solution to my problem is to, write an ad. Probably in the most informal way ever.

Hi, My name is Spencer and Im looking for a room to rent in this area. Im not picky, anything will do at this point, any roommate will do as well. Feel free to contact me on bla bra

A sentence, I could do better but I want the desperation to be visible, yes this may be a recipe for my own death or a fantastic new friendship. Keeping a beat as my fingers tapped on my wooden desk awaiting a reply, bored of that waiting shit I turned to Netflix, scrolling through the aisles like the internet hobo I am, finally settling on some teen drama, bound to make me cringe. 

Hey! I saw your ad, you are after a room to rent? A message appeared on my phone screen. Its only been three hours, I picked up the device in the obnoxious cactus shaped phone case.

Yes thats me 

Well my name is Ian, Do want to organise a time to come check the place out? Ian? a guy, can't say I've ever had a male roommate but hey why not? I mean he has good grammar and punctuation, he seems nice enough.

That would be great. Whatever time works for you. Going to a strangers house, potential murder, for some reason I could feel the nerves in the pit of my stomach after pressing send.

I work from home so it really doesn't bother me. I pondered the possible careers he could have. 

10 tomorrow? I replied after reeling in my wondering mind.

Sounds good, see you then. Heres the address... The location mentioned in his text was decently close. I was nervous but defiantly excited for what comes next. A change I suppose. It was late and I needed to make a semi decent impression tomorrow if I was going to climb my way out of this ditch. Pulling my corpse off the chair I sluggishly slumped onto the soft covers of my bed. After arranging a comfortable position I soon felt my eyelids fall heavy.

An alarm merged itself into my dream only to grow louder and awaken me from my hibernation. While thinking of the multiple ways to kill myself  I carried on with my morning routine. Before I knew it 10 o'clock was near, detouring through the lounge room that reeked of sex, I had my eyes fixed on the front door.

"Spencer for fuck sake shut up" I heard Kaleb's voice growl at me from the lounge, he had obviously turned up last night. My eyes glanced over at him, Rachel and Kaleb were uncomfortably intertwined. The floor must of creaked as I stepped, a crime. He became annoyed  with my ignorance and continued to bark at me like the dog he was, blocking out the sexist slurs and offensive phrases with the slamming of the front door. 

Approaching the front door of  new house. I could feel the butterflies that filled my insides. Putting a fist to the the door, I gave a firm knock. Footsteps echoed from behind the door the I was met with a tall figure, he gave a wide smile that sat underneath his black framed glasses. His smile collapsed as if he was confused when he looked down at me. 

"Errr Hi, Im Spencer" I choked out.

"Oh?, umm Hi... come in" voice shaking, he replied. His eyes scanned me as I walked past him and into his warm house. It was homely, comfortable and welcoming, I look to the corner, boxes and red tupperware crates. Wait was he moving, did his last roommate move out, should that worry me.  

"Uhhh as embarrassing as this sounds I was expecting a guy..." he said awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Oh" I replied, unsure wether to be offended or try to reason with him. 

"Its not an issue though, I've just never had a female roommate" he said in an apologetic tone.

"Its okay, Id understand if- " 

"No no, of course you're welcome, ahhh please don't think I'm sexist or any shit like that" he cut me off confidently. I just smiled at his dorky face, he smiled back. He offered me to a seat on the grey coloured lounge.

''Well thank you, you have a really nice place" I attempted small talk,  we chatted for 10 minutes or so until he decided to  give me the grand house tour. It was a living space, I could defiantly see myself comfortable in. Ian on the other hand,  he seemed sweet, a little intense. That didn't matter though he was only a roommate and I won't exactly spend much time here anyway, hopefully we can be friends though, it make the whole living together situation a lot easier. Discussing rent over a cup of coffee seemed the best way to come to the conclusion of me moving in. After negotiating the reasonable price I shook Ian's warm hand and left. 

Ludicrous // Ian CarterWhere stories live. Discover now