Broken Smiles

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"I won't be home until 6 ish, but a spare key is under the tucked up looking stone squirrel" 

 I had managed to calm myself down before I rang Ian, no more tears but my voice was shaky and showed my fear and worry. 

"Thankyou Ian" I said as cheerfully as possible

."You're welcome, are you sure you're alright?" his voice, comforting and sweet. I didnt want to answer.Ending the call, I sat the phone down. No. I wasn't alright, nothing was okay.

The towers of boxes stared down at me like my demons. A knock on my bedroom door made me jump.

"Spencer, Its Rachel" Rachel's happy jumpy voice triggered a sigh of relief.

"Come in" I said bluntly.I knew I had to leave and Ian was happy for me to move in a week earlier than expected.

"Your face!" She sounded shocked.

"Im leaving today, don't worry" I said in a cold tone. She just sighed and gave a sympathetic look, I never understood the blonde in name brand clothing. Rachel was sweet but pathetic, friendly but stupid, she knew how much of a pig Kaleb was but she stayed with him anyway, or maybe she just never saw that side of him. 

"Fine don't tell me then" she huffed like a five year old as if it was a joke, as if the raw mark on my face wasn't placed on me by a man double my size.

"Tell me Rachel, has Kaleb ever hit you" I spat before I could even think about the statement.

"No! He would never, he is never mad" she answered and I believed her, something about her voice just showed truth.

"Its because you're his... pet, you are easy to manipulate and you jump at his every word" 

"Spe-Spencer, If you're implying that Kaleb hit you, Im refusing to believe you, he just isn't capable" she said dismissively, ignoring my previous statement completely. 

"Rachel, you see the way he talks to me. You need to be careful"

"They are jokes Spence, I know you just want to stay thats why you are making claims. You need to leave now. You are medaling." Rachel was angry now, she began picking up my boxes.

"What are you doing?" There was no point in battling her, I was to selfish to stick around and reason with her.

"Putting them in MY car,  in order to HELP YOU LEAVE, honestly you are so PATHETIC. You can't drive, because y-" My heart sang, she was going to sink to a whole new low. I haven't seen her this worked up, steam could of been leaving her ears at this point.

"Be - Because you are SCARED all be be caus-"

"Please don't" I just said quietly fully aware of what was going to come from her cherry red lips. Rachel went silent for a second, still holding my boxes.

"You know its true" The cold words from her cut deep. I made no emotion visible to her, picking up a few boxes myself I began walking for the front door, she followed.

"Thank you for helping" in a emotionless voice, I was beyond anger, beyond being hurt.

"Im just glad you aren't my problem anymore, Im sure we can fit all you shit in and only have to do one trip" her voice stern and high school teacher like. In complete silence we loaded the car and were leaving the driveway, it was the last time I would ever see this house, I was happy.

"I hope everything works out" The painfully awkward silent car ride was interrupted by my 'now' slightly calmer ex friend as we drove up my new driveway. She wasn't worthy of the reply.

The car came to a halt and the unloading of the grey machine commenced. We dumped the boxes next to a well looked after jeep, I just wanted Rachel gone even if the meant I carried in all the boxes myself. A short amount of time later we had said our goodbyes and the rest was history.

A stone squirrel...

 I walked up to the front door I had visited three weeks ago and sure enough a small goofy statue of a squirrel was staring at me. I picked the woodland creature revealing a small brass key. My manicured hand picked the object up and unlocked the door.

This is home I guess...

By 5 I had most of my room set up, knowing that Ian would be back in a few hours I decided that it would be better if I covered up this new bruise, I wear heavy makeup anyway. My reflection stared back at me, long pink hair was tied up in some sort of bun that a bird could quite possibly be nesting in, as if someone flicked brown paint at me, freckles were dotted all over my nose and under eye area. I had a suitcase under each eye, chapped lips and soulless grey-green eyes. I let anther hour disappear, painting away at the canvas that was my face. Gone, the bruise couldn't be seen. My lips curled into a weak smile.

A fresh start, you are okay....

I left the bathroom for a mattress on the floor of what is now my bedroom.

"Welcome home... um...pal" Ian smiled pressed up against the door frame. He had the welcoming feeling about him, a warm feeling.

"Hh-hi" I stuttered. Now sitting up. 

"I take it you need help with the bed frame" he made a kind gesture.

"I would really appreciate it" I quietly replied looking at the floor.

"Are you okay?" he said taking a few steps closer.

"Ye-yes" Then the rubber band snapped, tears filled my eyes. This overwhelming feeling swallowed  me, the particular events all caught up. How can one question trigger this. He looked at me sympathetically, unsure of what to do.  He gently embraced me, his arms round my waist,  his chin on my head, I lent into his chest.

"Hey, its okay, you are okay" he hesitantly spoke in a gentle low voice. 

"Im s- s- s- sorr-ee" I spoke in-between sobs, embarrassment sat in my stomach.

"Shhh, don't be. Im not sure what you are going through and I may be a complete stranger but you are safe" Ian spoke as he looked down at me. I nodded which made the tall figure smile. Then his face lit up as if he had the most brilliant idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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