27. My One and Only Love

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"I don't like this venue," you whispered out to Jimin, slightly shuffling closer to him as he wrapped an arm around you in protection

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"I don't like this venue," you whispered out to Jimin, slightly shuffling closer to him as he wrapped an arm around you in protection. He could only nod his head in agreement, staring down at the worn out floors and walls, along with the piles of dust layered on the furniture. The place gave you both bad vibes as it looked haunted and abandoned with all of the outdated furniture and decor.

"How is this even an option?" Jimin mumbled as he checked through the papers one last time, confirming that this was one of the locations as a venue option. 

"Common, let's move onto the next one," you suggested, gently tugging at Jimin's arm as he lets out a small chuckle when he noticed the creeped out expression on your face. He allowed you to pull at his arm as he followed behind you.

"You don't have to tell me twice." 

"I like this one" you smiled, inspecting the tables and the other decor. Jimin walked up behind you before wrapping a pair of arms around your waist, peering over to look at what you were looking at.

"I agree." You turned around to look at Jimin, only to see him looking down at you with that same sweet smile as his cheeks were slightly puffing out. He slowly leaned his head down to capture your lips into his, smiling to himself as he felt you returning the kiss. You slowly snaked your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to deepen the kiss.

"Alright, let's save this for later," Jimin panted out, chuckling as he pulled away from the kiss. You gave him a small pout before walking away to the reception area.

"Wait for me!" Jimin shouted, now running after you.

"Alright, so what colour should we match in?" you asked, turning around to look at Jimin. He pondered for a second, thinking about which colours blended well together. He then stopped, turning to look at you with a wide smile and widened eyes, a face that read he had an idea.

"Let's make it a surprise. I don't know what you'll look like and you won't know what I'll look like until prom comes?" You thought about his idea before a smile came to your lips as you gave him a nod.

"Deal," you agreed, holding out your hand towards him. Jimin smiled as he took your hand into his and shook it, not before taking the opportunity to pull you forward to give you a light peck on your lips.

"I'll see you soon" he smiled, giggling at your flustered expression. You both then went your separate ways as he went into a store for suits while you went into a store that sold formal dresses. You continue browsing through the store until you reached the section that was specifically for prom dresses, staring down at the long racks of dresses. They all ranged from different colours to different lengths, along with different materials and designs. It was all so much you didn't even know where to begin.

"Do you need any help?" You slightly flinched by a sudden deep voice from behind, turning around to see a taller male giving you a customer friendly smile. You took a quick glance at his appearance, noting his light brown hair along with the small-framed glasses that rested on his face. He was wearing a classic black buttoned-up shirt, to match the theme that all employees had to wear.

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