25. Not Today

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"What the fuck are you doing in here?" Yoongi growled, now closing the door shut behind him as he watched the person flinch in surprise by his sudden entrance

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"What the fuck are you doing in here?" Yoongi growled, now closing the door shut behind him as he watched the person flinch in surprise by his sudden entrance. They turned around, now facing him with a blank look as he continued to carefully study them with his eyes.

"What does it look like I'm doing," Stacy paused, walking closer to Yoongi as he walked backwards, his back suddenly hitting the wall.

"I told you, I was going to have my revenge." Yoongi's eyes bored into hers, slightly pushing her back away from him.

"And what was this revenge? What did you have to do at this dance specifically?" Stacy gave him a smug smirk, holding up a USB before prancing around the room, almost mocking him.

"Because you decided to betray me, I have to take matters into my own hands." Yoongi's eyes widened, knowing what she was planning to do as he hurried over to try and stop it as best as he could.


Looking down at his ringing phone in confusion, Dean picked it up and answered, only to hear no reply.

"Hello? Yoongi?" Instead of a greeting, he was met with a heated conversation between what sounded like Stacy and Yoongi.

"Stacy what the fuck is wrong with you!" Dean's brows furrowed, facing the phone away from his ear before putting it onto speaker for Lisa to hear.

"What's going on?" she whispered to Dean, leaning in closer to listen to the conversation on the phone. 

"Fuck everyone! I want Y/N to feel the pain of a heartbreak like how I did." Upon hearing those words, Lisa's face twisted in anger as she saw red. 

No one messes with her best friends.

"Where the fuck is she." Lisa began to storm out of the hall and into the hallway, with Dean following closely behind. They both hurried to check every single door in each hall, understanding that they were on a time limit and had to hurry. Arriving at the last room, she looked at the sign that read sound room before pushing through the door and storming up the stairs. 

"Let's go," Dean groaned, following behind closely as they climbed up the steps. Upon arriving at the door, Lisa and Dean peeked in through the window to see Yoongi and Stacy practically having a tug of war at the wires. Growing impatient, Lisa aggressively kicked the door down, scaring Stacy and Yoongi in the process as they turned to look at her in shock.

"You," Lisa growled, pointing her finger straight at Stacy as her expression hardened. 

"Hey, let's try talking this out first," Dean suggested gently, attempting to hold Lisa back. But Lisa wasn't having it. 

Not today.

"WATCH OUT BITCH!" Lisa shouted with anger, running straight into Stacy at full speed before tackling her to the floor.

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